Abuse Advertising Articles Asia Backgrounds Blog Budget change cheating checks china choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Creativity Criminal debt Deficit democracy Discussions E.U. economy economy. finance Elections employment. environment Evolution family Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace Policies politics Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion rights Russia Screening searches Survival technology trust U.S. Ukraine United States war

U.S., China, Russia, Ukraine, E.U., Asia

This article analyzes the the recent developments in Ukraine and Asia, in the light of Chinese refusal to participate in sanctions against Russia, highly appreciated by Putin. Highlights the U.S. foreign policy failures around the world. Shows, why a better economic environment at home is a far better policy than annoying the others. Brings into focus the building tensions with two geopolitical giants in world.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Creativity Criminal Discussions economy economy. finance education Elections employment. Evolution family Great Growth Housing ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Non-profit Obama Policies politics private Process public Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships rights Scholarships Screening searches Survival Taxes trust United States

Education, Choice, Public, Private, Non-profit, Scholarships

This article analyzes crises in public education system and other public sectors, in the light of proven free market Capitalism principles of competition and choice. Highlights the fact that government monopoly on early education, just like other government monopolies, is at the heart of this issue. Shows, how people’s hard earned money is being dumped in big and inefficient government instead of being used for better purposes like education.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog business. change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Competition Constitution Consumer Cost Creativity Criminal democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution family Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs jobs. kids Knowledge. Living Lobbies Media Minimum New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Obama Policies politics Process records Reforms relationships rights Screening searches Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust United States Wage

Wage, Minimum, Living, Cost, Jobs, Business

This article analyzes the links between business, cost of production, consumer, prices, wages, unemployment and government regulations in the light of currently hot discussion on minimum wages, going on big media, political and government circles and in between economists. Provides the economic and political perspectives. Highlights the real issues and explains why those are being overlooked by big media and politicians.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Central change cheating choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Creativity Criminal debt Discussions economy economy. finance Evolution family freedom Great Growth human ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Nature New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Planning Policies politics Process Progressives records Reforms religion rights Screening searches Survival technology trust United States

Progressives, Planning, Central, Nature, Human, Freedom

This article compares individual freedom with central planning. Shows, why free market capitalism is superior to all forms of collectivism. Provides a broad and deep historical perspective. Discusses the human nature and motivation based on profit and reward. Highlights the impossibility of effective and comprehensive central planning due to the vastness and complexity of human actions and economic activity.

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