a democratic rule capitalism communism democracy Discussions economic recovery economy. finance family global recession ideologies. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics poverty poverty in the US poverty within the southern states relationships rising food prices in the US rising fuel prices in the US rising poverty in the US the scourge of middle america the US and capitalism US citizens wealth distribution

The Scourge of Middle America

The US is currently at the mercy of harsh and strained economic conditions, and its middle and lower classes are exposed like at no other time in their recent history. This period of fiscal tumult is also proving a catalyst for alternative social issues, such as benefits protests from public sector workers and a steady rise in national hate groups within the countries boundaries. One of the most significant issues within the contemporary USA is increasing poverty, especially in the face of steadily climbing food and fuel prices, which is threatening to create a significant divide between the north and south of the nation.

The Basics of a Strained Economy

The fiscal circumstances of the current US are of course a reflection of the recent recession and subsequent painstaking recovery. The main issue with a recession of this nature is its presence as a vicious and divisive cycle, that often sees unemployment rise and citizens unable to contribute to an economy. As a consequence, governments are coerced into reducing spending and inflating taxes and prices, creating a situation where basics such as food and drink are more expensive and increasingly out of the reach of struggling citizens.

Articles Blog democracy economy economy. finance employment. family ideologies. individual Knowledge. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. politics relationships rights

Human Rights, Reality And Facts

This article examines the human rights situation in global perspective. Highlights the fact that in many cases, most advanced and developed nations are still far away from the ideal of “All human beings are created equal”.

combating disease and illness in contemporary times democracy Discussions family global population how to solve global population illness News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people relationships research singularity The Coalition of Man and Technology Part 2 US citizens what is singularity?

The Coalition of Man and Technology Part 2

Having considered the concept of Singularity in part 1, which refers to a single point in time where technology ascends over nature, it is worth discussing the additional consequences that it may have within society. There is increasing discussion concerning the depth and pace of technological advancement in the contemporary world, especially with regards to the perceived benefits and advantages that it offers to citizens. However, while many of these improvements serve individuals and their independent requirements, there are additional effects which could well impinge upon the well being of collective society as a whole.

Scientific Advancement and the Global Population

A significant aspect of progression concerns scientific advancement, and how medicine can evolve to combat wide ranging health issues such as Cancer or AIDS. In Professor Ray Kurzweils theory of accelerated returns, it is discussed that technology and scientific application will soon emerge as superior to nature, forcing the eventual coalition of man with artificial intelligence and machine within a single body. Many supposed individual benefits would come from this, including an immunity to weight gain and any existing illnesses and diseases, which would ultimately create a generation of citizens who will be assured longevity of life previously unimaginable.

Kurzweil goes even further in his publishing to suggest that mankind may eventually be able to decide when their life should end, and though this seems extreme the gradual eradication of disease through cure or scientifically enhanced human biology would have a similar corollary for individuals. Basically, human beings would be able to exist without illness or issues created by poor nutritional intake or lack of exercise, meaning that death by natural causes would become increasingly rare and occasional. At face value, this could be perceived as the ultimate vindication of technological and scientific advancement, but even this would have negative connotations for society at large

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Should Doctors Apply Morality to Treating Patients?

Doctors exist to serve the well being of society, and the role is often considered to be more vocational than merely perfunctory. Aside from the many years of dedication and academic work that needs to be invested in making a medical career possible, the role itself requires a great deal of commitment and communication skill in order to be performed successfully. Traditionally, doctors have been expected to treat patients without exception or a process of selection, and also regardless of their own beliefs or ethical values.

However, in recent times doctors have sought to take an increasingly hard line and moralistic attitude towards treating their patients, applying more stringent conditions to potential visitors. An example of this surrounds the controversial notion of vaccinating children against diseases, and a rising number of doctors are refusing to retain or treat patients who refrain from allowing their offspring to subject various vaccinations.While this action is supported in policy that allows doctors to retain a right to refuse treatment of individual moral grounds, the question remains as to whether this appropriate to their role as ethical service providers.

Why Do Parents not Vaccinate Their Children?

The statistics are less than specific, but physicians themselves suggest that there is a growing number amongst them who adopt an unswerving policy to treating unvaccinated children. In fact, there are increasing instances where doctors have spent several months advising and educating parents in the benefits of individual vaccinations, only to refer them elsewhere when they continually refuse to let their children be immunised. While some physicians claim that this decision is taken predominantly to protect other children who are considered at an increased risk of illness, there is an undoubted sense of morality and individual selection being applied to their decision making processes.

Discussions economy. finance family ideologies. kids News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. relationships

Tackling Truancy in the US

In an age where poverty is infiltrating numerous families across the southern state belt line of the US, education is emerging as an even more significant tool to ease the economic burden. It is through formal and well structured educational programs that the youngsters of today will develop their core social and marketable skills, and form a generation of individuals who can contribute to society and improve future standards of living.

However, times of fiscal hardship often create cycles of disruptive behavior, and statistics suggest that child truancy actually rises during these periods. The specific causes can be diverse, but many centre upon economic issues or those that surround social circumstances and individual parents perception of the society in which they live. The issue of truancy is one that governments are looking to resolve, as they recognize the potential effects on future generations of the US.

Beginning with Early Childhood

It is widely accepted that children develop their perceptions and behavioral concepts when they are young, and these shape them through adolescence and into adulthood. This is especially significant in terms of education, as children are required to be both encouraged into schooling and also be helped to sustain an enjoyment of their relevant curriculum. If children are either hindered by parents or encounter negative experiences at school, then truancy becomes far more prevalent in their later life.

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Why Modern Relationships Fail, Part 2

Finance is often cited as being influential in modern instances of separation, but this notion is particularly vague and offers only minimal insight to the potential causes. One may assume that this is simply due to general economic concerns, and that divorce and separation are merely inevitable consequences of the global recession and an enforced period of fiscal hardship, where couples are rendered without capital and vulnerable to subsequent social pressure.

However statistics suggest the opposite, and actually reveal that the national divorce rate dropped appreciably during the recent global recession. This is chiefly due to a fall in the amount of marriages commenced, but also because the concept of divorce becomes entirely impractical once wealth is scare and a financial stability needs to be sustained. Therefore, it is likely that more pertinent and specific reasons subsist behind the guise of independent relationships.

The Excesses of Freedom

As an example, irresponsible spending is a common problem within contemporary relationships, but this is an entity that is unique and entirely specific to each individual circumstance. It typically involves an individual within the relationship spending an amount of money that is disproportionate to their actual income, which fosters further issues between the couple that surround both mistrust and disrespect.

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Why Modern Relationships Fail, Part 1

If you were to believe everything that you were told about contemporary culture, then you may well consider that marriage and long term union are increasingly irrelevant amongst the citizens of today. As the divorce rate in the US remains one of the highest in western civilization, with a rising number of couples also choosing not to marry before they commence a family, it is easy to draw the conclusion that individuals are finding it harder than ever to begin and remain in a stable and committed relationship.

While the situation is not as bad as often reported in the media, there are still concerns surrounding modern relationships and the evolving structure of family units. In particular, these concerns focus on the vast numbers of failing marriages and subsequent swathes of broken families, which impacts heavily on affiliated children and creates a distorted view of family for the younger generation. What further complicates the issue is that a different perspective is often held by different genders, making many problems potentially divisive and extremely difficult to resolve.

The Evolution of Equality

Ironically, one of the main issues in modern relationships is also something that has been of huge benefit to society as a whole. This is equality, which has evolved gradually over the last century to deliver equal rights and living standards to female members of society, and subsequently served to change the accepted dynamics within a relationship. While no fair minded individual could deny the positive impact of equality on society, it has posed issues to couples of a particular generation with regards to their roles and expectations.

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Is the Pace of Progress Jeopardizing Society?

One of the facets of contemporary existence is the fast and unchecked pace of technological and scientific progress, which has continued unabated through the last two decades. While this has created many advantages in terms of engineering solutions and the development of treatments for specific ailments, it has also had a tremendous impact in the methodology that individuals use to communicate and undertake daily chores. The benefits or otherwise of these practices are less well defined, and could in some cases to be detrimental towards society.

While this ever quickening pace of advancement has undoubtedly delivered many positives towards the standard of living within the US, its nature is one that has the potential to leave may individuals in its wake. This is largely because the speed of its evolution creates a wide and cavernous gap between generations, especially with regards to the way that they interact and their perceptions of work, crime and other prevalent social issues. Subsequently, it is harder for parents to educate their children and instill relevant values in them.

An Issue of Communication

For example, if we consider the advent of social networking sites and contemporary media, then we see a mode of interaction that has developed vastly over the last decade or so. It is arguably the premier method of communication for most teenagers and young adults, and is becoming ever more influential as these sites are enhanced and improved upon further. While becoming increasingly relvant amongst youngsters however, its pace of progression has made it almost impossible for the elder generations to follow, resulting in a serious discrepancy to the understanding between parents and their children.

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Contraception and Social Responsibility

The debates concerning reactive contraception and the morning after pill have been ongoing for an entire generation, especially as teenage pregnancy rates have risen in the contemporary world. While access has always been restricted and conditional for individuals under the age of 17, bodies have recently commenced a renewed push to change this legislation, in order to ensure that the medication can sold without age restrictions.

This is the latest in a long line of attempts to make the drug available without any conditional legislation, and has support from various affiliated medical and female orientated groups. While they continue to argue that this will reduce the rate of pregnancy amongst young teenagers and negate the risk for the emotionally challenging concept of abortion, there are opposing voices that state concern for personal responsibility and sexual promiscuity.

A Simple Resolution to a Complex Issue?

While the free and unrestricted access to emergency contraception may well reduce the rates of unplanned teenage pregnancy, it also sets a dangerous precedent for encouraging sexual activity without consequence. As a problem resolution, it is rather ill considered and short sighted, for although it is designed to achieve a particular aspiration it does so without tackling the inherent causes that trigger the issue in the first instance.

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Using Online Resources to Tackle Stress

It cannot be escaped that stress is an inevitable consequence of contemporary existence, especially given the increasingly fraught nature of the economy and personal finance. As individuals are finding it difficult to find or maintain employment, and the cost of living continues to rise steadily at the same time, stress is an unfortunate but entirely predictable consequence that can have a long term effect on a persons health.

However, recent research and its findings have revealed that the accepted knowledge about dealing with stress may well be inaccurate, and that there are in fact far more suitable methods for relieving its symptoms. This is indicative of the internet age, where a swathe of independent research bodies are conducting similar tests simultaneously, and publishing entirely opposing results that often conflict with each other.

The Issue with Online Media

This is the main problem with online media and Internet resources. As the World Wide Web continues to expand, more and more website pages are created on a diverse range of topics. As bodies investigate different concepts, the element of competition between researchers produces similar tests that generate contrasting results, with the result that the internet becomes a host of diametrically opposed opinions and supposed fact.

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The Changing Face of Family Values

There was a time when marriage was considered to be an integral part of society, and something which was the ultimate stamp of conviction and commitment for any relationship. However, as social conventions have changed, so too have the prevailing attitudes towards marriage and marital values. It is no longer seen as a necessary assertion of a relationships value, and in fact appears as something of increasing irrelevance to most young couples commencing a union.

Although many theories have been advanced for this, there is a common understanding that women in particular are deciding to devote more of their time and effort into cultivating a career. This ensures that concepts such as marriage and raising a family are deferred, or in some instances neglected entirely in favor of more financially prosperous pursuits. While this is supported by certain information and statistics, it is also countered by others that suggest that the true issues lie with the concept of marriage itself rather than its practicalities.

Not an Issue of Pursuing a Career

In terms of corroborating the idea of marriage becoming less compatible with contemporary culture, the average age of those who marry for the first time has risen considerably in the last 30 years. The average male gets married at the age of 27, which is an increase of 2 years since 1980. Similarly, the average female now enters wedlock when they are 25, a figure which has risen by 3 years within the same time period. This is a clear statistical indicator of men and women choosing to defer marriage until later in life.

adults seeking education children children seeking education Discussions education educational bodies family home schooling kids parental advice parental guide parents people relationships the perils of home schooling the truth about home schooling US citizens using education to fight social issues

The Truth about Home Schooling

Home schooling is one of the more controversial aspects of contemporary education, and encourages diametrically opposed opinions on either side of the debate. Not only is it an often discussed concept, but it is also one that has grown in popularity significantly within the last decade. There are numerous social and cultural issues that acts as triggers for parents to decide to school their children at home, and while some are long standing others are more of a reaction to current social climates.

The facts are relatively surprising. An estimated 1.5 million US children are schooled at home by their parents, and this figure has increased by nearly 75 percent within the last 10 years. This significant and persistent growth in home education is particularly interesting, and hints at several parental concerns relating to society and education. Many of these relate specifically to either a child’s individual safety or core education principle, and display a worrying lack of faith in government legislation and resource.

The Reason Behind Home Schooling

Of the 1.5 million home schooled infants throughout the nation, 36 percent of them are subjected to this process through religious and cultural reasoning. While this has been an understandable and persistent feature of the increasing levels of multiculturalism within the US, other statistics or more indicative of burgeoning social concerns. For example, a further 17 percent of home schooled children are taught domestically by their parents because of inherent and pressing issues with the content or quality of contemporary education.

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Is Social Gaming a Healthy Recreational Activity?

While the World Wide Web has long being accepted as a broad and diverse informational resource, it is now beginning to challenge the conventional concepts of communication and interaction. A key aspect of this is social gaming, which is an expanding feature of networking sites and media outlets, and offers subscribers the chance to experience role playing games while interacting with fellow users. As it continue to grow at a rapid pace, there are issues concerning its consequence as a recreational activity.

Facebook are the most prolific source of social network games, with titles such as FarmVille and CityVille extremely popular amongst users. Statistics suggest that out of the estimated 500,000,000 subscribers who utilize facebook as a daily resource, approximately 68 million of them will be playing at least one game a week by the end of 2011. This, in addition to the increasing number of designers who are producing games within the media, is showing a clear trend in where social networking sites are set to direct their efforts in the next 12 months.

The Changing Face of Social Networking

This trend is a statement of how social media as progressed since its inception, and also mirrors the changing landscape of the internet as a whole. Social networking sites such as Facebook were conceived with largely simple goals, in order to connect people and make it viable to interact through an alternative and cost effective methodology. However, as Facebook in particular has grown to be the most visited and influential website in 2010, its core purpose and aspirations has changed to suit this demand.

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Surviving Emotional Infidelity in Relationships

Surviving Emotional Infidelity in Relationships

It is estimated that 40 percent of current marriages will end in divorce in the US, especially if the trends displayed throughout 2009 and 2010 continue. This is one of the highest rates documented in the western world, and is surprising given the liberal nature of US union and the resources that exist in terms of guidance and counselling should issues arise. In order to understand the unusually high rate, it is pertinent to assess the most common factors cited in contemporary divorce.

While fidelity is an often discussed and debated reason for marital conflict and separation, this generally refers to the acts of physical infidelity. This is when one or both individuals in a marriage indulge in a physical relationship with a third party, and is suggested to account for over 30 percent of divorces in the US. However, a less known and potentially even more divisive example of this practice exists, and is referred to amongst experts as emotional infidelity.

What is Emotional Infidelity?

Emotional infidelity is where an individual within a relationship forms an emotional attachment to a third party, which is often entirely inappropriate or insensitive to their partners feelings. This concept is a growing issue within contemporary relationships, and its consequences can often be far more damaging than mere physical infidelity, especially in terms of reconciliation. The main reason for this is that its cultivation suggests a deeper relationship between the adulterer and their companion, and one that is far more consequential than a merely physical one.

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The Modern Relationship between Parents and Children

As time progresses we are subject to the continual evolution of research, science and technology. This advancement has both advantages and disadvantages affiliated to it, as its processes impact every aspect of contemporary society. With evolution comes change, and modifications to the way in which everyday routines are conducted. This change is itself challenging to an older and less respondent generation, especially given the rapid pace with which it continues to effect and amend daily activity.

Aside from the corporeal changes to conduct and routine, there are other and less obvious consequences caused by the technological evolution. Communication and independent thinking are also influenced, especially by the growth of social networking sites and the way in which they encourage interaction between its members. This is potential divisive to inter-generational relationships, with parents finding it increasingly difficult to communicate with and understand the thought processes of their children.

Respecting the Knowledge of Contemporary Children

The processes of communication and mutual understanding are the foundation of any successful parent and child relationship. Developing this can be difficult enough due to the large generational variance, however the problem is intensified further where the environments in which each generation were raised is so diverse. Basically, this is the most significant issue concerning the pace of progression, as it renders particular generations of society entirely at odds with each other in terms of behavioral and thinking trends.

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The Challenge of Childhood Obesity

The continued growth of the Internet has created a vast and diverse resource for information, which allows individuals to educate themselves on a variety of different topics. This, in theory, harvests a more knowledgeable and independent society, whose citizens are able to take control of their own lives and adopt responsibility for their actions. Subsequently, social and behavioural issues should be challenged to the degree where they can be controlled and regulated by the individual members of a community, allowing governments to concentrate on .

However, this logic is not supported by fact and statistical data. Despite intensive work by research bodies and the swathes of media outlets that report their findings, several social issues continue to be pertinent in contemporary society. Obesity, violence and anti social behavioral trends are especially prevalent, and affect both children and adults in equal measure, which serves to question whether individuals are doing enough to understand this information and improve themselves accordingly.

An Inadequate Response to Child Obesity

Child obesity and fitness are issues that have worsened in the US for over a decade. The steady but significant rise in youngsters and teenagers who are unhealthily overweight is perplexing, especially when considering the accepted knowledge surrounding exercise and nutrition that is accessible on hundreds of web pages and television channels. It suggests that individuals are either applying a loose and misguided interpretation to what they read, or simply disregarding it entirely.

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The Governments Role in Reducing Population

Democracy is the evocation of free speech and independent thinking, built upon a foundation of inherent family values. In accordance with this, large and growing families are a feature of liberal civilizations, as adults have the choice to procreate and raise children without any restrictions or limits to their number. This is considered by many to be a basic right of adults within a civilized and democratic society, and one that should be trusted to an individuals discretion and decision making capabilities.

This way of thinking is not prevalent globally, and other cultures and government regimes have taken steps to restrict the rights of procreation in their respective countries. China is the most notable example, who reacted to their vast population increases with the implementation of a one child family policy. This applies legislation and guidelines as to how many children a family can have, and though conceived in the wider interests of society, it is often devalued in western culture as being both draconian and unnecessary.

Are Governments doing Enough to Curb Rising Populations?

However, as the US population soars towards 310 million at an average increase of 250,000 people per year, there are is an increasing concern with the pressure that is being placed on natural and financial resources. This population rise is part of a global trend, and its escalation is often linked to the prominence of poverty in both poor and wealthy nations. With this in mind, it would seem that a more balanced equilibrium needs to be found between maintaining human rights and the welfare of society at large.

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Money as a Consequence and not a Cause of Relationship Issues

It is one of the more regrettable aspects of human nature that people apply blame to innocent associates and things for their own abhorrent behavior. This is not a new phenomenon, as examples of such conduct can be traced back hundreds of years. For example, the renowned phrase ‘money is the root of all evil’ is an adaptation of the bible verse ‘the love of money is the root of all evil’, which is a clear criticism of greed and how it creates deceit and ill judged conduct within society.

However, the contemporary adaptation of this phrase suggests that it is money which stands as the significant factor in all that is wrong with the world, and not the people who handle and abuse it. This is an entirely inaccurate and irresponsible conclusion, as it absolves individuals of their duty to spend and save money responsibly. A simple phrase it may be, but its meaning is a clear indication of the blame culture that exists with regards to personal finance and expenditure.

The Concept of Financial Infidelity

The concept of financial infidelity is a further example, and is the process of one person keeping financial secrets and trends from their life partner. Instances of this behaviour seem to have increased during the global recession, which suggests that people have taken to creating their own individual financial safeguards even within a relationship of marital environment. There may be may potential reasons for this, but these issues are more likely to be the cause of the deceit rather than the presence of money itself.

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Family Values as a Modern Consideration

There is a persistent sense of uncertainty around contemporary existence. From worsening environmental conditions to an array of global conflicts, there appears to be a continual stream of bad news reported through the many media outlets accessible by society. These feelings of anxiety are heightened as western culture continues its tentative steps out of recession, and are entirely at odds with the liberal and technological enhancements that have been designed to assist the overall quality of life.

Of the everyday concerns that trouble US citizens, there are two that can be perceived as threats to the accepted way of life. The most pertinent of these is the consistent and disproportionate growth in the global population, which continues to stretch natural and financial resources. Secondary to this, the high divorce rate and subsequent numbers of individuals who live in isolation is also a concern, especially to those who cherish the relevance of the family unit and affiliated values.

The Social Effects of Contrasting Behavior

Understanding traditional family values, it is interesting that these two particular instances should co-exist simultaneously. With the US population set to reach 311 million by the close of 2011, it would be reasonable to presume that this was a consequence of prosperous marriages and an increased rate of romantic union. Considered as part of a larger trend, this projected increase in population would be in line with the average annual increase of between 250,000 and 300,000, and suggest that there is a steadily growing number of couples and family units within the us.

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Raising Children in Contemporary Society

With an ever increasing amount of online resources that provide information on a range of subjects, the methodology that we adopt to do certain things is a permanent state of transition. Whether undertaking daily functional chores, or performing the significant task of raising children, the Internet age is exposing individuals within society to an expanding choice of conflicting and diverse information. This data often challenges and modifies an individuals approach to their conduct and behaviour, as well as adapting their understanding and perception of life.

Raising children is a case in point. By searching the depths of the World Wide Web and its resources, it is possible to source new information that advises parents on a daily basis, creating literature that discusses diverse techniques and theories concerning childcare. This can be in the form of an opinionated blog post or through the published findings of a specific research program, but the frequency with which these articles are printed provides both advantages and disadvantages to the reader.

Best Utilizing the Information to make an Informed Decision

It is logical to assume that where a surfeit of information exists, a considered approach is required to determine whether it is suitable. The nature of online resource is a wide and largely uncensored one, which means that independent writers and research bodies can publish their findings promptly and freely for the attention of others. This diversity of text will often produce opposing views and conflicted findings, which can be overwhelming to a reader if they do not take the time to understand the information and apply a process of discrimination.

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Lending Money To Family and Close Friends

There is an inherently strong bond between members of a family, forged over time and through shared experiences of hardship and triumph. As a family unit evolves, individuals people grow into established roles, from those with a sense of responsibility to their younger siblings to others who assume the mantle of spoilt and protected children. Even as different characters within a family endure disagreements and periods of hostility, these relationships and the roles that individuals play in them continue to strengthen.

However, there are several factors that can influence the well being of a family relationship. Of these, money stands as the single most significant, and conflicts that incorporate finance can often become fiercely contested and hostile. Despite being a solely material entity that has a single purpose as a funding for lifestyle costs, the nature of money has evolved in contemporary society to prove a large contributory factor in disputes and relationship breakdowns. This fact is supported by the increasing number of law suits and civil claims that are cited as involving work colleagues or members of the same family.

Money as a Cause of Conflict and Social Issues

The virtues or otherwise of money have been debated for centuries. To some, money a significant factor in achieving happiness, and enabling individuals and families to live in comfort and security. To others, it is of negligible value, and something which causes personalities to change and the most genuine of friendships to break down. As a way to support this argument, many will argue that it is money and the search for wealth that prompts the vast majority of crime and criminal activity.

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How to Combat Unemployment in a Global Recession

Quarterly statistics for November 2010 showed that the unemployment number rose to 9.8 percent in the US. Although this figure has only risen by 0.2 percent on the last 2 quarters, the rate of citizens without a job has steadied at just beneath the 10 percent mark since the beginning of the global depression in late 2008, and subsequent job cuts through the first 6 months of 2009.

Although the unemployment rate and global economy are displaying signs of slow and steady growth, people are still finding it difficult to source and find employment. This is chiefly due to the fact that companies, cautious not to over commit their resources through a period of economic recovery, are looking to consolidate their numbers rather than grow and employ more staff.

Opportunity not Crisis

This situation has left more and more families financially stretched and looking for alternate ways to create revenue. In the months prior to Christmas, these concerns become even more pertinent as the balancing act between income and expenditure is an even more delicate activity. In these periods of financial pressure and hardship, where costs and inflation remained fixed while people’s income levels drop or diminish, the most positive course of action that an individual can adopt is to treat these issues as opportunities rather than moments of crisis.

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