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If you will insist on telling people, around the world that we are going to police you, interfere with your lives and policies, bring down and manipulate your governments and dictate the way you are going to live, then, the people are going to resist and fight back. If we were in their shoes, we would do the same. No one attacks Switzerland. Even Hitler, while he was running over the super powers of his time, did not dare to attack Switzerland. Why? Because Switzerland stick to the principles, we were supposed live with. Non-interference, minding its own business, no standing army, civil militia, gun ownership rights, and a fun and organized method for maintaining militia.

Most people in the favor of ever growing military industrial complex, blame the world for it. Have they ever thought about the fact that no other country in the world has as many enemies as we do, and no one else fights as many wars as we have been? Some give the argument that it is because we are the wealthiest and most powerful. World is jealous of us. I would say that the might of being the richest economy in the world, and unrivaled super power, should scare the hell out of people. Then, what makes them to risk everything, by fighting against the world greatest and richest power?

After the declassification of World War 2 official records and documents, and the documents before the war, it is now very clear that our governments have been manipulating us and our opinions, for a very long time. They have created or have let happen the disasters for the purpose of paving the public opinion in favor of war. The declassified documents now confirm, the long standing, so called conspiracy theory about FDR administration knowingly letting Pearl Harbor incident happen. Beside this, not totally credible, but the conspiracy theories regarding 9/11 are very hard be logically over-ruled.

Even if we assume, contrary to all the evidence that Iraq did have WMDs and was able to successfully ship those to Syria and other countries, without getting noticed by satellites and multi-billion dollar intelligence systems worldwide, there is absolutely no correlation between 9/11 attacks and war in Iraq due to the following facts:

1) Iraq was the only Muslim majority, really secular country in Middle East.

2) Saddam regime and Al-Qaeda had long rift and animosity against each other, and Saddam never allowed Al-Qaeda in his country.

3) Although we provided lots of money, fire power and training to Iraq in Iran-Iraq war, Iraq’s capabilities were still not even close to challenge Israel in any way.
So, there must be other reasons to attack Iraq. What could those be? The following seem to be most obvious:
1) It was personal for George W. Bush. He wanted to take revenge of Saddam allegedly trying to kill his dad.
2) Strategic value of Iraq in the region. A direct presence and strong influence on Iraq, could mean a very effective control over the whole Middle East, also guaranteeing the security of Israel.
3) Oil. Being the world’s second largest producer of oil, Iraq was a gold mine for a country which depends so heavily on oil
4) Defense contractors. Powerful and rich defense contractors and their lobbies wanted another war for their own benefits.
If you look at the whole scenario, starting from 9/11, you see that no one is gaining, so far, except the defense contractors. Soldiers are losing their lives, living away from their families under a continuous stress of war and fear of attacks. Tax payers are paying for an estimated three trillion dollars war, if you account for all the expenses, including the long term care of wounded and psychologically traumatized warriors. Country is losing its standing in the world. Government is getting bankrupt. More enemies are being created than getting killed.
The basic goals, if there are any goals, seem to bomb these countries into Democracy and Capitalism. Both of these goals appear to be not achievable, so far. The biggest hurdles to Democracy are lake of inner will, tribal social structure and rampant corruption. In addition to this, any government, even if elected, while we are still there, is considered agents of imperial forces. So, people do not trust those. Whatever we do, it is imposed by a foreign power, hence, not acceptable.
At the same time we must consider the cost and benefit in this venture. Losing thousands of our soldiers, tearing the families apart, at home, killing over a million people, spending trillions of dollars, racking up the debt, ruining our own economy and finances. Is it worth that much, so far or even in future? An intelligent and unbiased answer to this critical question is, no. Even from strategic point of view, if net loss exceeds the net benefit, it is not a good deal. Have these wars increased and improved our influence in the world? Not at all, yet.
So we are paying a very heavy cost for these ventures. A cost that is threatening our very existence and future of our generations. Soviet Union collapsed under the burden of Afghanistan war. If you think that cannot happen to us. Think again? Even if you are the one who thinks that these wars are essential to enhance and improve our safety and security, ask yourself this question, with an open heart. Are we really safer than before? Remember, safety and security is not just physical. It is directly related to the strength of our economy and financial superiority.
Who is going to pay this exponentially accumulating debt and interest on it? Of course, it is going to be the tax payers, you and me. Do you really believe that our personal and family finances can bear any more taxes? Under this worst employment crisis, will our business able to create more jobs and revive economy and finances, under increasingly heavier taxation? Trust me, if you are still living in the La la land, there is absolutely no other way to pay off the national debt, except to tax us heavily, directly or indirectly through inflation and money devaluation. Why do we want to leave this kind of world, behind us, for our future generation?
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