Don’t Get Rid of the Cadillac Tax!
This article concludes our discussion on the candidacy of Barack Obama, incumbent and Democratic party candidate for 2012 presidential elections. Analyzes the concepts and conflicting views of fairness. Evaluates U.S. taxation system. Brings into focus the causes and fixes of current crisis. Provides common sense reasoning to the argument. Appeals to everyday individuals, couple, households and families. Finds out why the current Tax code is fair or not? Concludes who should pay what and how much?
This is thirteenth article, in a series, evaluating the candidacy of Barack Obama, for 2012 presidential elections, in the light of the discussions and issues, regarding taxation and U.S. tax code. Highlights the major objections on tax code, from different segments of United States population. Brings into focus, the different solutions proposed by various experts and politicians. Stresses the immense need for reaching an amicable solution, as soon as possible. Tries to bring up a consensus between different warring and conflicting factions.