Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog Budget Bush change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class Clinton coalition Comments Competition Conservative Constitution Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit deficits democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution financial government Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Obama Peace Policies politics President Process Reagan Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion Republican rights Screening searches spending Survival sustainability Taxes terrorism United States war

Spending, Deficits, Financial Sustainability, Government

This article analyzes the current U.S. government policies, in general. Discusses the arguments being used by Obama administration, in the favor of their policies. Provides some some key statistics and examples, directly related to the burning issues. Discloses the dramatically increasing insolvency of U.S. government, and it’s various funds and programs. Compares the more revenues argument with less spending proposals. Finds out, the real causes of major problem, faced by us, today. Provides a far more comprehensive picture, then what is being portrayed by government and media.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog Boehner Budget Ceiling change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class cliff coalition Comments Competition Conservative Constitution Creativity Criminal debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution fiscal government Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Obama Peace Policies politics President Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms rights Screening searches Survival Taxes terrorism trust United States war

Fiscal Cliff, Debt Ceiling, Spending

This article analyzes national debt ceiling issue, in the light of size of government, spending, annual budget deficits and sovereign debt. Chalks out the extremely dangerous spiral, government has been taking us to. Tries to wake up people from an over trust on corrupt, big and irresponsible government. Takes on the arguments presented by the proponents of big government, Barack Obama, for example, one at a time.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Bachmann Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog Budget Bush change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class Climate Clinton coalition Comments Competition Conservative Constitution Consumer County Courts Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit deficits democracy Depression Discussions Drugs economy economy. finance Elections employment. environment Evolution family George Bush global warming. government Great Growth Housing ideologies. Illegal Immigration individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Obama Pakistan Paul Peace Policies politics pollution President Process racism Reagan Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion Republican rights Ron Screening searches Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust United States war wars

Our Story: Whore Choopo Ganne

This article analyzes, in depth, the issues of wars, national budget deficits and debt, policing of world and new world order. Highlights the grave and real consequences of imperialistic policies. Shows, how the downfall of empire is inevitable, if the current senseless policies are continued, maintained and not changed. Effectively proves that Barack Obama is just as a disappointment and utter failure, as George Bush. Brings into focus the fact that both major parties work for same lobbies and serve the save special interests.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds big Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship civil Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Creativity Criminal debt Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections Evolution government Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Knowledge. liberties Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Paul Policies politics President Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms rights Ron Screening searches Survival Taxes tolerance trust United States

Tolerance, Big Government, Civil Liberties

This articles analyzes the current situation in United States, regarding tolerance and civil liberties, and the effects of money, politics, lobbies, media and corporatism, on it. Exposes the intolerably bad effects of two party dictatorship on our political system. Points out, why it is critically important, for every American, to get out the trap, built by both major political parties, with the help of their bosses in corporate media and lobbies, and start voting for third party candidates, even if they do not have lots of lobbies’ money and they cannot run big and fancy campaigns, filled with treachery and deceit.

Abuse Advertising Aliens Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog Budget Bush celebrities. change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class Climate coalition Comments Competition Constitution Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. environment Evolution family George Bush global warming. government Growth ideologies. Illegal Immigration individual Jobs kids Knowledge. leadership liberty Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. NFL Obama Peace Policies politics pollution President Process racism Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion rights Ron Screening searches Sports Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust United States war

Need Iron Man To Rescue?

This article analyzes the myths and abuses related to personality worship. The idols, known as celebrities, created by corporate owned media, has become a huge source of ridicule in our society. Their expertise and talent is in one or few fields, but, their so called fans start taking them as absolute leaders in everything. Movies and T.V. shows, financed by government departments and agencies, are brain washing people. We are being deceived to be weak, who need the leadership, support and guidance of a strong Iron Man.

Abuse Articles Blog change cheating choice Comments credit Criminal Dafault debt deficit democracy Discussions downgrade economy economy. finance environment family global warming. government ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. marriages Memorial News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. politics pollution racism Reagan records relationships religion Republican rights science searches Survival technology terrorism trust United States

Get Mad! Country Going Down, Part 1

This article is the first part in a series of articles, analyzing in depth the causes and consequences of recent U.S. credit downgrade, from AAA to AA+ by Standard and Poor, first time ever in U.S. history. Provides a very broad based historical perspective to this discussion, debate, controversy, drawback and setback.

$1.5 trillion budget deficit budget deficit in the us democracy Discussions economy. finance employment. family government government policy government policy in the us ideologies. kids law enforcement deaths in the US News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics relationships rights rising unemployment in the US the federal government The Resentment of Authority in Contemporary USA the US government unemployment in the us US citizens violent crime violent crime in society

The Resentment of Authority in Contemporary USA

After 2010 saw a 40 percent rise in the death of law enforcement officers in the US, government officials have this week moved to resolve the issue and offer better protection to those who serve their community. Police representatives have come under increasing fire while in the line of duty, and are currently shouldering the burden of a growing unrest and ill conduct that discerns contemporary society. While the vast and unchallenged presence of firearms is undoubtedly significant, there is also the issue of people’s diminishing respect for figures of authority.

Declining Values in Liberal Times

It is all too convenient to attribute the rise in violent crime with the existence of firearms, but this does not make any allowance for human behavior and values. Guns are clearly dangerous and potentially fatal weapons, so there is always likely to be concern and instances of misuse when they are so prevalent within a culture or community. However, were they not to exist, then humans who choose to perpetrate acts of violence would simply find a different methodology, and use this instead to suit their purpose.

So, we must address the values and attitudes of people who use guns, and maximize these findings to cultivate a more socially suitable behavior. If we look at society as a whole, then there is a clear degeneration in the conduct of young adolescents and teenagers, which is reflective of both their environment and a decreasing level of respect for their elders. This individual ethos is conditioned in early childhood, and if encouraged or unchecked then it will manifest itself though violent or anti-social tendencies in later life.

Barack Obama democracy democratic government Discussions economy government government policy ideologies. people reducing the national deficit relationships social unrest in the us the deficit the extremes of political opinion the freedom of speech the US as a demographic battleground us benefit cuts us budget cuts US citizens us policy us political shooting us voting statistics us voting trends

A Democratic Battleground, Part 1

For those who only retain a passing interest in the current affairs of the US, they may well be aware of a certain level of hostility that presently exists between the government and its citizens. As online and television media continue to report the closing of schools, budget cuts and a continual rise in poverty across the southern belt line of the country, it is easy to assume that the nation is currently trapped in a cycle of slow economic growth and increasing social frustration.

However, to those who keep their finger pressed firmly against the pulse of US developments, there is a growing impression that the nation is faced with one of the most challenging sets of domestic circumstance in its recent history. Given the US states efforts to integrate cultures and reduce a debilitating national deficit simultaneously, they are faced with difficult confrontations with several factions of society, each with their own concerns about the future of the country and its direction.

The Perils of Contemporary Democracy

While some of these concerns are valid, others appear to be based on ill considered or disagreeable values, and herein lies the significant battle that democracy is forced to wager on a regular basis. Each individual or section of society has an audible voice, afforded to them by the privileges of democratic rule, and this remains intact regardless of the validity or potential consequence of their assertions. With the country in a seemingly permanent state of transition, this state of affairs is likely to worsen before it begins to foster the society it desires.

firearm legislation Gabrielle Giffords government government policy gun control how can the government best protect its people individual responsibility for gun control in the US News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people relationships rights stringent gun control tackling gun control in the USA the government and people Tuscan gun show US citizens video games censorship what contributes towards a violent society

Tackling Gun Control in the USA

Just a single week after the tragic shooting of Gabrielle Giffords at an Arizona shopping mall, thousands of US citizens attended an annual gun show in Tuscon yesterday. Despite the incredible levels of feeling and emotion that the incident has prompted nationwide, the two day event has attracted a staggering 7000 attendees, which is a noticeable increase on the number of citizens who visited in the previous year. Of course, both the timing and nature of the event have raised several questions about gun control and the use of firearms within the USA.

The debate is a longstanding and emotionally fraught one, as the subject of firearms and their usage becomes ever more pertinent in a violent and desensitized culture. Critics have questioned the validity of gun control and regulatory legislation affiliated to firearm ownership, and have been quick to cite the Arizona shootings as supportive evidence. Of course, gun enthusiasts take a different view, and are quick to assert that firearm related violence is a wider issue of contemporary society and alternative negative influences.

Gun Control in Contemporary Society

If assessing the arguments objectively, it is hard to disagree with gun enthusiasts within the US. Gun control and supportive legislation has been assessed and evaluated regularly over the last decade, as federal government has attempted to regulate their levels of control over the types of guns viable and the status of registered owners. Given that law enforcement bodies were also at the Tuscan event monitoring specific sales and purchasers, it appears that those responsible for the safety of US citizens are continuing to do all they can with regards to firearms.

a socially relevant curriculum changing the cirriculum compulsory educational subjects economic growth economic recession economy. finance education educational reform government high school cirriculum people relationships teaching economics in high school the benefits of teaching economics in high shool the benefits of teaching economics to youngsters US citizens

The Benefits of Teaching Economics in High School

As the US and other western economies struggle with the continuing cycle of recession and growth, there is an increasing desire to create a more stable economic environment. This is not only an aspiration of the federal government, but also of the voters and individual members of society, who are more determined than ever to maintain responsible spending and saving trends throughout 2011. This is a promising portent for the year ahead, and suggests that societies are finally heeding the harsh lessons of financial hardship.

However, this particular type of resolution has become a typical reaction to periods of recession, but is often not supported by consistent action once the economy experiences renewed growth. As job creation soars and unemployment falls, financial stability is temporarily stored, encouraging a relaxed comfort amongst individuals who develop a more casual ethos towards saving and spending. There are many potential reasons for this, but an inherent lack of fiscal awareness and training may well be the most pertinent.

The Foundations of Education

The key to any successful teaching is to begin it early enough to influence behavioural trends. This is the accepted logic for all core curriculum subjects, including English, Mathematics and Science, which are all taught to youngsters from the age of 5 and continued as standard throughout the duration of high school. What this practice suggests is that governments and teaching bodies understand that their children are most susceptible to learning during this time, and therefore how important this period is in developing a desired level of conducts.

Barack Obama divorce earning money in a relationship economy. finance employment trends government government legislation how to earn money in a relationship how to save money in a relationship investment savings marriage marriage penalty marriages modern relationships people politics relationships saving money in a relationship savings the benefits of marriage the relevance of union in contemporary society US citizens why get married?

Saving and Earning Money Within a Relationship

The paths of economic recovery are often traversed with understandable caution. Although 2011 is promising to continue the positive trends in employment and job creation displayed at the close of 2010, there is still and underlying sense of apprehension amongst consumers and households. With this is mind, it is logical that many citizens and family units within the US are still keen to make financial savings where possible and also secure the best possible value for their hard earned money.

It should not necessarily follow that those in a relationship would be best placed to make financial savings, but the course of union can boast many economic benefits. From the pooling of income and resources to a diverse combination of money making skill sets, a romantic coalition or family unit may well be able to strive towards a shared goal or aspiration. As well as the benefits of boasting a wider strength and range of skills, tax legislation and legal documentation is often designed to support the concept of marriage in the US.

The Financial Truth for Married Couples

There is much consternation about the financial benefits of marriage, and the marriage penalty that was first implemented in 1969 has caused many to believe that marriage or union is conducive only to financial loss. However, the fact remains that even before the government introduced legislation to tackle the effects of the marriage penalty in 2001, there are statistics to suggest that couples were still in a more favorable financial position than those of a single disposition.

divorce government marriage marriages modern relationships News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people relationships the relevance of union in contemporary society Uncategorized US citizens why get married?

How important is Union in Contemporary Society?

Various governments across various civilizations have eschewed the virtues of marriage and long term union in contemporary society, and some have even introduced legislation and incentives to encourage marriage and the development of a family unit. However, as the global rate of divorce spirals towards a troubling 50 percent, and the rate of divorce in the US alone stands at approximately 48 percent, there is an increasing concern as to the relevance of union in a modern society.

The thought processes involved in attempting to create marital and relationship harmony is simple. Governments regulate society, to make its citizens law abiding and maintain their safety. The concept of the family unit, and all of the values of clean living and moderation that are incorporated within, ensure that it is used as a tool with which to govern and maintain a social equilibrium. This abates the concern that single individuals are more vulnerable to external influences and corruption without the support of family or their communal values.

The Modern Relationship

While this trend of government thinking is clear, it is also a little misguided in contemporary surroundings. The nature of relationships and union has changed dramatically over the course of 4 decades, and the relevance of marriage slowly diminishing alongside the revolution in dating and methods of courtship. Quite simply, the encouragement of traditional family units and values becomes less pointed in a society where couples no longer begin their relationship in the traditional way, especially where marriage is often seen as an expensive luxury or a mere title.

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