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Parenting While Maintaining Individual Health

There is no doubt that creating and nurturing a life is one of the most valuable things that an individual can do with their time, and it is something which continues the essential cycle of life and existence. However, it is also an exceptionally difficult activity, and requires the considered devotion of both time and finance in order to raise a child successfully. With this in mind, it soon becomes increasingly difficult for new parents to maintain their own health and well being while caring for an infant, which can cause serious consequences in their short and long term futures.

Interestingly, a recent study conducted by the Paediatrics journal revealed that mothers rather than fathers are baring the physical brunt of child care, although both receive reduced levels of nutrition and exercise when compared to their childless contemporaries. The detailed study, which followed an approximate 1500 high school students into adulthood, revealed that the women who became parents subsequently consumed over 400 calories more per day than childless women of the same age and demographic.

A Question of Time

The primary issue seems to revolve around time, both in terms of mothers not being able to prepare a health conscious meal and also being unable to exercise accordingly. This creates a distinct imbalance with regards to the volume of calories consumed and the levels of subsequent physical activity, and leads to the individual becoming increasingly vulnerable to various health issues such as obesity. Although it may be argued that this is part of the personal sacrifice required to raise an infant child, it benefits nobody if the mother falls ill or suffers health issues as a consequence.

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The Truth about Home Schooling

Home schooling is one of the more controversial aspects of contemporary education, and encourages diametrically opposed opinions on either side of the debate. Not only is it an often discussed concept, but it is also one that has grown in popularity significantly within the last decade. There are numerous social and cultural issues that acts as triggers for parents to decide to school their children at home, and while some are long standing others are more of a reaction to current social climates.

The facts are relatively surprising. An estimated 1.5 million US children are schooled at home by their parents, and this figure has increased by nearly 75 percent within the last 10 years. This significant and persistent growth in home education is particularly interesting, and hints at several parental concerns relating to society and education. Many of these relate specifically to either a child’s individual safety or core education principle, and display a worrying lack of faith in government legislation and resource.

The Reason Behind Home Schooling

Of the 1.5 million home schooled infants throughout the nation, 36 percent of them are subjected to this process through religious and cultural reasoning. While this has been an understandable and persistent feature of the increasing levels of multiculturalism within the US, other statistics or more indicative of burgeoning social concerns. For example, a further 17 percent of home schooled children are taught domestically by their parents because of inherent and pressing issues with the content or quality of contemporary education.

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