Plus Size Men’s Witch Guard Costume


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A Dedicated Guard Who knew the Witches of Oz had guards? We sure didn???t. Probably because the Wicked Witch of the East got crushed by a house, and the Wicked Witch of the West got melted by water (sort of by accident, but still), neither of which could have even been prevented by guards, you know what we???re saying? That sounds like a bummer to us???you can be the best witch guard there is, and be rendered totally forgettable by things that no one would be able to protect a witch from (like a house). But either way, you take your work very seriously, showing up each day in this Plus Size Witch Guard Costume, and perform security detail! We salute you, really. It takes dedication to do your job even though the odds seem to be stacked against you. Hey, at least you get to look really cool and intimidating! And you do a great job of keeping anyone out of the castle who???s not allowed to be there. Fun Details Even if you can???t stop a falling house, you still can command respect with this fearsome look! The featured outfit consists of a gray velvet jacket with a red braid-edged collar, and a vest with appliqued faux studs, fur shoulder flaps, and waist ties! The skirt part of the jacket also has panels with appliqued red overlays for dynamic accents. The included hat is a cylindrical faux fur hat that fits on the head with a band in the back. Finally, boot tops and gloves have matching fur cuffs. No one will dare question your authority in this getup (except, of course, the witches themselves! They question everything). Next Assignment We know, losing two witches on your watch isn???t a great look for your regime. But surely those were extenuating circumstances!??

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