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Fed, Banking Regulations, Capital Flow, Crisis, Part 8

This article analyzes the dynamics of sovereign debt and its consequences. Highlights its effects on an average Joe. Explores its relationship with money valuation, cost of living and doing business, demand, employment and wages. Criticizes Keynesian view of servicing the debt and indirect taxation through money devaluation. Uncovers the serious long and short term collateral damage done by Keynesian economics and policies.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Banking Blog Budget Capital change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Conservative Constitution Consumer Creativity Criminal crisis debt Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution family Fed Flow Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Policies politics President Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms Regulations relationships rights Screening searches South Survival technology trust United States

Fed, Banking Regulations, Capital Flow, Crisis, Part 7

This article analyzes the relationship and balance of power between business owners and labor, in the light of events that happened in 1926, including general strike in Britain and resultant 1926 recession. Emphasizes the point of view that the individuals including the labor force does not has its long term interests protected in a government controlled society. Every one of us must strive for a society in which the every group of population has rights to protect and fight for its interests.