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Obamacare, Executive, Legislation, Courts, Cost, Deductibles

Sibu Beauty
To the least, Obama care is a serious disaster, and complete and utter failure. There have been forty-seven changes to the law, already, mostly enacted by unilateral and unconstitutional executive orders. As the time is passing, it is only validating the fact that there is nothing affordable in Affordable Care Act. Premiums, co-payments and deductibles, all are growing even faster than before and making it even impossible for many insured people to visit a doctor. High deductibles are essentially increasing the co-pays up to six times. The worst part of this is that before mostly, the premiums were growing, at least half of which is usually paid by employer. Now, the insured people have to take all the hit by paying high deductibles embedded in co-pays.

ACA’s effects on recovery are getting more and more obvious, too. Employers, especially the small ones who provide a very large proportion of net jobs available, are simply not hiring anyone or not hiring full time workers, at all. High deductibles are also killing one of the basic justifications for Obama Care which was to make preventative services more accessible. If people cannot even afford to go to doctor, how are they expected to get preventative care? Result is going to be that even insured people are will have to wait until things get totally out of control and cost is going to go higher.

High deductible are especially disastrous for people with chronic diseases like diabetes who cannot avoid going to doctor hence end up paying the higher deductibles. It is also going to have seriously adverse financial effects on people with kids, as more need and likelihood of going to doctor will cause more financial damage. The moral of this story is that nothing is free and nothing can be free. Costs need to get paid one way or the other. Only difference is that the government and bureaucrats can only destroy a naturally evolved and more suitable system of payments.

Since all the factors including doctors, hospitals, labs, pharmaceuticals, pharmacies and insurance companies remain same under ACA, the involvement of inefficient and corrupt bureaucracy is just another addition to overall cost, not even mentioning the back breaking cost of regulatory compliance of a law which is written on thousands of pages. Forty-seven changes, so far, are actually an acceptance from government that the law is seriously flawed and is not working. Most families are already facing some sort of hardship due to bad economy, inflation, stagnant wages, job losses and other factors.

These major increases in the cost of healthcare will bring many families to the brink of bankruptcy. Higher deductibles are also going to effect the incomes of already troubled doctors, as patients will be highly reluctant to go to them and would do everything possible to minimize the visits. This will have spiral effects on all healthcare businesses, as the use of medicines, labs, hospitals and other services will decline. To compensate for the lost business, the healthcare providers will drive the cost even higher. As president keep delaying the mandates, and the implementation of law is very gradual, the fall out will be maximum by 2017 when there will be a full blown enforcement of all the mandates and taxes.

Apparently, they are planning to have the full disaster hit after 2016 elections. The next administration will be blamed for enormous tragedy that this law is going to ultimately cause. Current estimates from independent business experts show that the loss of jobs could be as high as 20%. Keeping in view the slow, dismal and incomplete recovery from 2008 recession and the real rate of unemployed and under employed already being around 20%, the addition of 20% to it can turn us into Greece.

More people unemployed will mean more people qualifying for free healthcare which will mean even higher cost for paying customers. Looks like that highly hyped Obama presidency will end with no major achievement and is going to be remembered as the one filled with disasters. We are in even more wars than before, Guantanamo is alive and well, real unemployment and under employment still very high, debt is still mounting, deficits nowhere down to what Obama promised and are going to take a sharp hike once Obama Care is fully implemented, and business in Washington has gone worse, contrary to his promises.
Although seriously opposed to him, it was impossible for me to believe on the claim that he is intentionally trying to destroy this great country. Now, I am finding myself to be ready to believe on those claims. Six years in his presidency and the track record makes it very hard to deny that he may have a hidden agenda to sabotage our way of living. He is a commie and only thing he cares about is his rotten and globally failed ideology. Hell to us and our country.
He has really solidified the tyranny of majority. He has proved that Democracy is ultimately destined to fail when majority starts buying free money for themselves with their votes. He has no respect for constitution or law at all. He, unilaterally, keeps on performing the function of legislation, and amending, suspending and delaying legislation, and laws, for which he has no authority. Constitutionally speaking, it is solely the function of Congress. He has become the face of tyranny. He has authorized the extra judicial killing of Americans and has vastly increased the use of drone attacks, killing lots of innocent civilians, especially in Pakistan. He loves to use and abuse his authority and no authority, as well.
The solutions are far from easy. Both parties work for each other, and same corporations and lobbies. So, the impeachment from Republican Congress is out of question. Courts, including Supreme Court have already shown that are indentured, too. These problems are not going anywhere, until and unless Americans wake up from this spell set by corporate media and sold out politicians. Only a third choice can take care of problems aggravating since civil war. Both parties criticize each other in election campaigns, just to get votes. After elections, all we see is, same sh*t different day, and different faces.
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