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Democratic and Republican Party Money Machinery

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More and more big corporations are reading the writing on wall and adopting accordingly. The word of the day in Washington and corporate headquarters is that open and fair competition doesn’t work, lobbying does. So, the corporations are gradually and efficiently diverting their funds and investments from research and development, improvement of their business offerings, and creation and invention of novel products and services to the lobbying efforts at federal, state and local levels. This is an extremely dangerous trend. It does not only diverts the precious resources and money from highly productive and efficient jobs to very inefficient and unproductive lobbying jobs, but it also threatens the long term productivity, competitiveness, an already very weak job market and long term strength of our economy.

The rapidly growing size, power and authority of our already very big government is increasingly becoming a destabilizing force in markets. Governments can more and more effectively pick and choose the winners and losers. So, who needs the power of innovation and who needs to get into the cumbersome process of building competitive products and services and then compete in tough markets. All you need to do is to buy up some legislators and big party bosses, get favors, grab tax payers’ money in grants and big contracts, and you are good to go to flourish, expand and grow.

This is pretty much the type of corruption which makes most of the third world countries a big mess. This is what due to which the great civilizations in human history were wiped off from the map of world.

Lobbies, which were originally intended to help legislature in complicated process of legislation, have literally become an organized and legalized form of bribery. In Washington, as of today, there is no concept of winning an election without the financial and media support offered by lobbies.

It has grown to a level where in 2012 presidential elections, candidates from both so called major political parties, raised one billion dollars each for their respective campaigns. Now, you tell me, how in the world anyone can raise that much amount of money without making too many promises to rich people, big corporations and powerful lobbies. So, while, publicly and on media both candidates try to prove their loyalty to American voters, as a matter of fact, they are just selling themselves, their voters, their country and their nation to the donors and financiers of their campaigns. We wonder, then, why do they not work for us?

The real problem here is not the money and donors. The problem is, as the size of our government is growing, it is becoming more and more corrupt. To hide this corruption, they are becoming increasingly secretive. National security clause, ever increasing proportion and number of classified documents, behind the closed doors meetings, persecution of whistle blowers, attacks on fair and neutral media, all are just a few examples of it. Unfortunately, political campaigns are not exempt from this trend, either. With the rise of lobbies and super PACs, both in size and number, the political process is becoming increasingly secretive, too.

Now, the situation is that there is absolutely no way to find out, the actual and originating sources of most money contributed to political campaigns. Specially, super PACs do not have to reveal the sources of their money. We do not know, how much of this is foreign? How much is coming from our enemies? And who is getting how much from which lobby and which corporation. The result is that the large amounts of money are being siphoned from big corporations and lobbying groups, especially through super PACs, and we never learn about it. So, after elections, these donors are being rewarded with big contracts and favorable legislation. In some cases they are literally writing the legislation.
In the similar way, big media is owned by same corporations. It starts working for their bosses by picking up the winners and losers for the next elections, shortly after the recent elections. They do this by running weird, but intelligently designed polls. For example, right after 2012 elections, you receive this type of survey in mail:
Who will you vote for in 2016 elections?
1. Hillary Clinton
2. Chris Christy
3. Bobby Jindal
4. Marko Rubio
5. Ted Cruz
6. Rand Paul
Most people, when they get this survey, their first impression is that they are being asked to choose one of these six. So, most of them just go on and chose one. After this, media doesn’t report it like who stands where out of these six. They report it like who stands where in whole country. Besides, there is only one Democratic candidate on their menu, while others are Republicans. So, Democratic candidate is chosen by most Democrats, while Republican voters divide between five choices. So, the Democrat appears as the next crown princess. In addition to this, Rand Paul is at the bottom of list. Most readers have already made up their minds, by the time they read his name. So, the Libertarian is chosen by least number of surveyed people. This is how they pick and choose for us. In this way they have achieved these hidden motives:
Giving and generating impression:
1. The country is considering only six candidates for the next presidential elections.
2. Democrat is in lead.
3. Libertarian is at the bottom.
4. Third party candidates are not even being considered by voters.
Hence, they start the crowning party for princess, at least three years ahead. Since, “she is leading the polls”, of course, on big media’s limited menu, they have all the excuses available to provide her immense amount of coverage. Libertarian is at the bottom, so, he may get some coverage, once in a while. Third party candidates are not on their menu, hence, they have no standing in polls, and so they can, and must be, totally blacked out. This is how the joint venture of corporate owned political parties and media works. This is how they work together, in conjunction with each other and keep their bosses, in lobbies and big corporations, in power.
My dear fellow Americans, it is about the time to break up this dirty cycle, they got us stuck in, and which is destroying this great country, nation, and its economy and finances.
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