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Barack Obama For President 2012, Part 14


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Fairness a very complex and controversial concept to begin with. Different people would have starkly different views of fairness. Our views of fairness are overwhelmingly influenced by our brought-up, environment, ideologies, media and politicians. For some people the fairness is giving everybody a fair chance. For other people fairness is everybody treated the same way as others. Yet, another group will say fairness is equal access to money and money resources. A different group would say fairness is taxing everyone with a fair proportion to their incomes. Other distinctive group may say fairness is everybody making same amount of money and income, as others. Hence there is a whole wide spectrum on the definition of fairness.
Therefore, before going any further on this we must dig fairness, a little deeper. The Free Dictionary By Farlex defines fairness as:
“These adjectives mean free from favoritism, self-interest, or preference in judgment. Fair is the most general: a fair referee; a fair deal.
Just stresses conformity with what is legally or ethically right or proper: “a just and lasting peace” (Abraham Lincoln).
Equitable implies justice dictated by reason, conscience, and a natural sense of what is fair: an equitable distribution of gifts among the children.
Impartial emphasizes lack of favoritism: “the cold neutrality of an impartial judge” (Edmund Burke).
Unprejudiced means without preconceived opinions or judgments: an unprejudiced evaluation of the proposal.
Unbiased implies absence of a preference or partiality: gave an unbiased account of her family problems.
Objective implies detachment that permits impersonal observation and judgment: an objective jury.
Dispassionate means free from or unaffected by strong emotions: a dispassionate reporter. See Also Synonyms at average, beautiful.
Regional Note: American folk speech puts Standard English to shame in its wealth of words for describing weather conditions. When the weather goes from fair to cloudy, New Englanders say that it’s “breeding’ up a storm” (Maine informant in the Linguistic Atlas of New England). If the weather is clear, however, a New Englander might call it open. Southern fair off and fair up, meaning “to become clear,” were originally Northeastern terms and were brought to the South as settlement expanded southward and westward. They are now “regionalized to the South,” according to Craig M. Carver, author of American Regional Dialects. These phrases may have prompted the coining of milding and milding down, noted respectively in Texas and Virginia by the Dictionary of American Regional English.”
To evaluate this a little further, I will give you another example. I am sure that many of you can personally relate to it. Take the example of a couple which lives together. One of the partners, partner A, makes hundred thousand a year and the other, partner B, make thirty thousands a year. They have a mortgage, on which they pay five thousand dollars a month. two car payments of about seven hundred dollars, each, plus other bills and expenses like grocery, utilities and other loans and credit card payments. If both of them really want to make this relationship work and they are really in love with each other, would it be fair for A to make B pay for $5,000.00 mortgage, while she is making only $2,500.00 a month in gross pre-tax income? The fairness, in this case, dictates that A should pay the mortgage. If A tries to make B pay the mortgage, one or more of the following will be the unavoidable consequences of it:
1) The relationship will not work and they will break-up.
2) B would say, “I don’t have live in a house with 5,000 dollars per month mortgage. We can go and live in one bedroom apartment?”
3) They would default and lose the home.
4) They will not be able to make payments, and debt and deficit will keep pilling up.
5) B will not be able to afford basic necessities for herself like food, clothing, gas, healthcare and groceries, may have to compromise her health and even life.
Any sensible marriage counselor, with a tiny bit of common sense, would advise them to make B pay for whatever she can afford in her 30,000.00 dollars a year salary and have A pick up the rest. This is the only way they can make it work.
It is unbelievable that this simple, easy and common solution, practiced in millions of households and families around the world, seems to be unfair to many, on a national taxation level. As a nation and as a country we are a larger and extended family. We cannot stay together, if we keep telling each other that it is your problem, not mine. I don’t care what you do and how you do. Unfortunately, you are out of luck and this is what you going to have to do. Just like, if A wants to make it work and reap the benefits of a good, satisfying relationship and marriage, he has to pick the rest of tab, the people who have more, because this nation offered them a wide range of unlimited opportunities and if they want to continue to have the benefits this nation and country offers, they have to pick up the rest of tab. This is common sense fairness, as opposed to the selfish fairness. If, in this household, A does not gives up selfish fairness, the household and family will have to bear unwanted, bad consequences. In the same way, if, in our national life, the people who have more, do not give up selfish fairness, the country and nation will have to bear one or more of the following unwanted, bad consequences:
1) As has happened in past, time and time again, in many nations and countries of past and today, middle and lower class, which constitutes about 98% of population will revolt against what they perceive as unfair to them.
2) Our debt will keep growing, with all the related consequences of money devaluation, inflation, higher cost of living and doing business, and high unemployment.
3) Economy will crash under these pressures and no one will be able to make any money. There will be no rich or poor. Everyone will become essentially equal and everyone will suffer, more or less, the same.

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