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It all happens for safety and security and your good. Some of the most corrupt, most lying, most deceiving, most violent, most murderous, and most stealing people start dying for you. They know and care more about your well-being than you do for yourself. They care more about your family and your kids. They want to conquer and control the world for your benefit. They take away your hard-earned income from you because somehow they will spend it better than you. What do they spend it on? Mansions, Militaries, freeloaders, Armies of servers, and security personnel fill up jails with victimless crimes. Everyone promises to be the best ruler ever but delivers nothing more than the same old.
This whole fraud requires money to go on and to get bigger and stronger; the government does not have any because they do not produce anything. They do not work because it is the job of Lulus, not theirs. So, they need to extract money from the productive members of society. The oldest form of coercive extraction is called a tax, and my God, people claim that the fastest-growing thing is technology or whatever. But it’s not even close. The fastest-growing phenomenon is the excuse to extract more and more wealth from productive people. The excuses they come up with are incredible. You have an income; you created jobs by starting a business; you bought a home; you bought a car; you produced something that people want and need because you purchased something, and and and and. There is no end.
But, of course, they do not want to kill the incentive for work entirely, and they do not want to kill the markets altogether. Where is the milk going to come from if the cow is dead? How will they fund their lavish lifestyles without producers and taxpayers? So, there are limits on how much they can tax. But, the appetite for money has no limits. So, there have to be novel, more extensive, and broader methods to extract from people, i.e., slaves, aka citizens. So, they keep inventing new methods of coercive extraction. The most brilliant one was the central bank. Let us create an institution that will print money out of thin air and reduce the need for tax.
But money is supposed to be a valuable commodity. “if you print money out of thin air, it will cause inflation and even hyperinflation,” free-minded Economists objected. “It will be like an indirect tax and will only reduce the purchasing power of money and lower living standards.” “Indirect tax,” they replied, “That is great. That is the idea”. “Okay. Then people will move their money off0-shore and ultimately emigrate”. “That is going to take some time.” “We will see when it starts happening.” ” We will demonize those people and label them as unpatriotic.” “What about the people who will leave the country.” “We will tax them so high that it will become nearly impossible for them to leave.”
“So, basically, you are creating a prison?” “My friends, the state is already a prison. We are just strengthening it”. “From the times of gods, we are masters and all of you are Lulus. You still do not get it?” “We do. But, most people do not”. “That is good. Longer they take to realize it, the better it is. When the time comes, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and Castro have set up excellent examples for us”. “But America is different. We have well over three hundred million guns”. ” We will achieve a ban on guns before that. It will need just one more Pearl Harbor, gulf of Tompkin, WMDs scandal, 9/11, COVID, or War on drugs.” “We also have freedom of speech. Americans can weaponize that.” “How? Haven’t you noticed in any of the fear mongering campaign that i mentioned that every single major media outlet and all universities, all gurus and experts, all scientists and all so-called thinkers are funded, owned, managed and operated by our agencies and intelligence apparatus?”
“American police, military, and intelligence services will never get on board on such a devilish takeover.” “Really? Is that what you have learned from our history? My friends, order-taking people only take orders and execute those. That is what they are trained for, and that is what the whole structure and organizations are built on. Results are always the same with zero exceptions regardless of America or not America. If someone still dares, in America or elsewhere, that is what the firing squads are for, and someone is always there to take that job.” “It is not like the good old days. People are waking up. Communication and connectivity have improved a lot.”
“People have much better and faster tools on their hands. More and more people are realizing this age-old global system of slavery. It will not be that easy.” “Who says that it will be easy or it has ever been easy? But it doesn’t sound easy to you because you have these human ideas of empathy, care, and love. The psychopaths that run governments do not believe in those outdated ideas at all. Yes, it will cause bloodshed, it will destroy lives and families, and it will kill economies, businesses, and jobs. But who cares? A few million human lives and a hundred or so communities are not more important than the agenda of power and control. Do these petty humans want to dethrone their masters? How dare they? We will teach them a lesson, as always. Americans think that they are exceptional. But that is what every dominant civilization of the world thought. What happened to Sumeria, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and the Islamic empire?”
“Yes, but this time, results will not be the same. Humans will not retake the same old. This time, there will be no more masters, no more rulers, and no more coercive authority will be left.” “Keep dreaming, my friend. That is not what history tells us.” “History will change.”