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Frederick Bastiat slapped the faces of all idiots trying to deceive people very hard. All the court economists are trumpeting the benefits of war. How is it good for the economy? It is like saying murdering your mom for money is a good thing. Bastiat presented what is now known as the broken window fallacy. A kid threw a stone through a window and broke the glass. The neighbors were sympathetic to the owner of the window. Suddenly, a genius economist appears and says, “No, no. It is not a bad thing. It is good because it has created a job for the window maker.” Wow! What a great idea. Let all of us get out, pick stones, and start breaking every window in the world to benefit the economy.
If war is good for the economy, then why don’t we all just go out and start murdering each other, destroy all properties, break down all families, shut down all businesses, break the banks, and disrupt everything and anything? So, idiotic. Worse, many media gurus keep propagating this idea, and many ideologues believe in it, so much for logic, intelligence, emotions, kindness, care, and love. Incredible. War is good for the economy. Nothing could be more stupid than this view. How can destruction and murder be suitable for anyone? It is the construction, making, and building of things, creating, innovating, and inventing things that benefit people. If this is true, why don’t we start demolishing each other’s homes?
You need peace to do anything beneficial. If you are writing, would it be better to have the computer or have someone break it down? If you are working, is it better to have a workplace or to be destroyed by someone? Do you want to raise your family in a peaceful place or a war zone? Do you like peacetime when shelves are filled with products or wartime when there is a shortage of everything because factories, supply chains, distributors, communication systems, retailers, and information systems are destroyed by war? Do you like low prices for peacetime or high wartime prices? Do you want a stable peacetime business and job or the uncertainty of a war? So, tell me how a war could be good for the economy.
War is a racket that organized religions and governments have been using since forever to keep us in the loop. It is the ace card in divide, conquer, and rule. No one benefits except the masters at the top who gain power, control, authority, territory, taxpayers, and resources if they are lucky and win. Others get nothing except death, destruction, disability, wounds, uncertainty, and poverty. The rulers must evoke a sense of superiority to make something as destructive as war acceptable. They must tell you that you are the good people and the other side is evil, while the other side is telling their people that they are good and you are cruel. To start a war, people on both sides must conclude that they must subdue the other side to improve the world.
Seeds of hate must be sown to last forever so that people can never reconcile. The winning side will keep believing they slayed the devil, and the losing will always seek revenge. The conflicts will often stay alive for thousands of years, generation after generation, while both sides will win and lose several times. Hate usually grows, not decreases, thanks to the ruling class and its propaganda arms like bureaucracy, media, the education system, experts, special interests like defense contractors, and enemies and friends alike who are benefitting from the war and conflict. “Come on, slap them one more time.” “Good job.” “Just a little more. You are already winning.” Many would even be playing with both sides.
Cronyism and financial interests play a significant role in these conflicts and wars. Defense contractors, war-mongering media, ideological academia, War and conflict experts, bureaucracy, and patriotic politicians all have a significant interest in perpetuating the conflict. They want to create an environment in which even uttering a word against war and conflict becomes a conspiracy theory, treason, and unpatriotic. Lincoln championed it, and countless dictators and regimes have since followed it. This is not exclusive to the foreign wars, though. The strategies are being applied to the internal political and ideological wars. Shut down all opposition by name-calling, censorship, and other vicious tactics.
An aggressive warring regime’s distinguishing characteristic is that it does not like logic, reason, discussion, disagreement, freedom of speech, and debate. The people who disagree are evil, and that is it, period. No questioning allowed. We are the saviors, and this is what we want—end of discussion. No one should engage in opposition. No one should allow them to speak. If you do so, you are also a co-conspirator liable to the same treatment as the opposition. These regimes feed on fear. They spread fear wide and deep. They also like to make examples. See, this one did not comply; that is what happened. Do you want the same misfortune? Seal the mouths and break down the tips of the pens.
This is why recognizing the value of freedom of speech is so important. Freedom of speech must have no limits. Once you provide an open end, there is no limit how far the despots will go. No one must have the power to limit the freedom of speech. If you give them this power, truth becomes the biggest sin in the empire of lies. It spreads like wildfire. All the opportunists leave no opportunity to gain favors by silencing the truth and dissenting voices. Neighbors could not trust each other, kids cannot trust mom, friend cannot trust their friends, workers cannot trust their coworkers, spouse cannot trust spouse, siblings acnnot trust siblings, as it happened in Socialist, Nazi and Fscist regimes. Life becomes hell. People are ready to betray anyone for little gains.
This is what war-mongering, highly controlling regimes do. An open and free society benefits everyone.