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Tyranny vs. Freedom, Struggle Never Ends

J.McLaughlin Homepage
Humans started their journey as slaves. Gods enslaved them to mine gold, do all the manual work, and produce so that gods live the best lives on the fruits of human labor without breaking sweat even one day. Globally, there have always been two major pillars of this structure of slavery: organized religions and governments. Because human populations grew rapidly worldwide, and they started realizing their state of slavery, it became increasingly difficult for gods to rule them directly. So, they gradually went into the background and handed over direct control to demigods who were the sons and daughters of gods due to their mating with daughters of men. Demigods were not significantly different from gods, and soon, humans started revolting against them.
The kinship was then descended to humans. The so-called royal bloodlines that started with gods’ dull children with daughters of men gradually took over direct control while gods went further into the background. There were pros and cons to the rule of these royal pharoahs, emperors, kings, queens, and lords. The more significant proportion of their genes was human, as the genes of gods got diluted over generations; they looked more like humans and treated their subjects and land as their property. Many of them were worse than the others, though. Humans started revolting against them as well. So, once again, they wrapped, rebranded, repackaged the same old and threw it back to humans, telling them it was fixed now and would work.
This time, it was not dependent on descendency. Beautiful new terms were crafted again, like Republics and Democracies. Deceptive slogans and definitions were proposed and placed like “Spremacy of laws” and “Government of the people, by the peopleand for the people”. This, of course, was just a rebranding of the same old that was in place for hundreds of thousands of years worldwide. The gods were still holding the strings in the background. They designed a new religion and named it a secular state. Still, there was a figurative god called the head of the state, aka president. The holy book persisted as the constitution. As usual god was surrounded by angels called cabinet, legislature, and courts. Churches were now crony corporate media, and church schools were now public schools.
Humans had many expectations with the system that they were supposedly running themselves. And it did a lot of good. Humans got much more freedom than before and did miracles with that freedom. In less than 250 years, they went to space; they made the global instantaneous dispersion of information possible; they broke down subnuclear particles; they generated an immense amount of wealth with their creativity, innovation, inventions, entrepreneurship, hard work, and business organization, they doubled the lifespan in just last century. They made life so comfortable that it was not even imaginable just a few hundred years ago. But, the powerful tools and technologies invented by ingenious humans also started a parallel lousy trend.
Government has always been the “Legalized” murder and theft. It establishes control with violence or threats of violence. This is how it keeps the masses subjugated, expands territories, and steals wealth from the productive members of society in the name of taxation. As the wealth generation increased rapidly, governments took that opportunity to tax larger and larger proportions of the generated wealth. Of course, just like any gang in the town, they never tell people that they want to steal because they want to live great lives without ever being productive. Taxations always hide behind deceptive excuses like to help the “unfortunate” poor and needy, to combat enemy threats, for safety and security, etc.
The secret of governments’ incredible power and control lies in this genius working model. It uses the stolen fruits of your hard labor to enslave you. It uses your spit for lubrication to fuck your ass. With this tax money, governments acquired infinite resources and tools to strengthen the tools of slavery further. Weapons of mass destruction, mass surveillance, networks of military bases around the world, an ever-growing intelligence community, police with incredible force, tools, and authority to commit violence, baseless, useless, and wasteful domestic and foreign wars, corrupt and inefficient welfare programs, you name it. The same wealth and technologies that humans generated and invented to improve their lives and their families’ lives was increasingly stolen from them to shackle them more and more.
One major drawback of Republics and Democracies is that, unlike monarchs who look generations down into the future to preserve their property and the property of their descendants, the people charged in a secular state are there for only a few years. So, they do not care what happens as a result of their policies after they are gone and they are in a haste to benefit themselves and their cronies as much a poassible and as soon as possible, rgardless of the cost. Everything goes through lies, deceit, trickery, propaganda, mockery, corruption. They have devised instruments like “Classification” of documents, which guarantee that even their worst wrongdoings will not come, at least within their lifetimes.
The U.S. was a country that, unlike any other, was built from the ground up. Colonists started their settlements in almost anarchy. Due to this fact, the freedom the settlers enjoyed was unmatched in the entire human history. This freedom did true miracles. America’s economies and living standards grew like never before in history. Within 200 hundred years, the US was the most significant and richest economy ever, created the most prominent and most prosperous middle class, and achieved the fastest declines in poverty rates ever. America became the bastion of creativity and innovation. Almost all the major technological breakthroughs either happened in the US, started or finished in the US, or the US played a big role in those achievements.
Then came the war on poverty, along with several other never-ending expensive and wasteful wars, domestic and foreign. Since this war started in the early 20th century, the average  growth rate has been merely equal to 2%, even less than the population growth rate, hence a never-ending unemployment problem; the middle class is shrinking, and the gap between rich and poor is increasing (cronies getting rich and others not getting that much benefit from the growth of wealth) and poverty rates have been steady or going up

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