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Two Party Duopoly, Political System





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A latest Gallop poll shows that majority of Americans is now fed up with two party political system. Contrary to common belief, the making and maintenance of two party system is not an accident. It is a part of big and organized money game. The reason for this is same as with any other monopoly. It is much easier to control and manipulate political parties and voters, with least possible number of political parties.
Hence, it is easier for big money to keep hold on our political system. If you give a little deeper and careful look to the system, you can easily understand what I am saying. Take, for example, the elections process. Since, the two big political parties are so big, rich, with corporate money, of course, and powerful, they can easily manipulate the elections process, any way they want without any consequences. Even, in 2012 elections process the same old stories are being repeated.
Big parties are still successful, in keeping the non-mainstream candidates of their party, out of the loop. Have you heard of pro-life activist Randall Terry of West Virginia, blogger Darcy Richardson of Florida, Perennial candidate and 2010 Democratic U.S. Senate nominee Jim Rogers of Oklahoma and attorney and perennial candidate John Wolfe, Jr. of Tennessee. They are all, former or current, Democratic Party candidates running against president Obama in 2012 Democratic primaries. Do you even know that democratic primaries are going on, right now, as well. As a matter of fact, as of today, May 8 2012, with the exception of Darcy Richardson, each one of them is still in the race.
Do you have any knowledge of Gary Johnson, former governor of New Mexico, Fred Karger, political consultant of California and Buddy Roemer, former governor of Louisiana. They, too, are the former or current candidates for president in 2012 Republican primaries. As a matter of fact, Fred Karger is still a candidate in Republican primaries. Rocky Anderson, former mayor of Salt Lake City, of Utah, Laurence Kotlikoff, economist of Massachusetts and Buddy Roemer, former governor of Louisiana, are seeking nomination of Americans Elect. Merlin Miller, activist and independent filmmaker from Tennessee is the presidential nominee for American Third Position Party. The vice presidential nominee for this party is Virginia Abernethy of Tennessee.
Tom Hoefling, national chairman of America’s Party, of Iowa, is the presidential nominee for America’s Party. The vice presidential nominee for this party is J.D. Ellis, of Tennessee. Jim Duensing, attorney, of Nevada is the presidential nominee for Boston Tea Party. The vice presidential nominee for this party is Kimberly Barrick of Arizona. Virgil Goode, former U.S. congressman from Virginia, is the presidential nominee for Constitution Party. The vice presidential nominee for this party is Jim Clymer of Pennsylvania.
Stephen Durham, feminist activist, of New York, is the presidential nominee for Freedom Socialist Party. The vice presidential nominee for this party is Christina Lopez of Washington. Roseanne Barr, actress and comedian of Hawaii, Kent Mesplay, Green Party activist and air quality inspector from California and Jill Stein, physician from Massachusetts, are running for Green Party nomination. Rocky Anderson, former mayor of Salt Lake City and the founding member of Justice Party, is the presidential nominee for Justice Party, from Utah. Gary Johnson, former governor of New Mexico is the presidential nominee for Libertarian Party. Vice presidential nominee for this party is Jim Gray, retired state court judge, from California.
Tom Stevens, attorney and 2008 Objectivist Party presidential nominee, of New York is the presidential nominee for Objectivist Party. The vice presidential nominee for this party is Alden Link, of New York. Peta Lindsay, ant-war activist from Pennsylvania, is the presidential nominee for Party For Socialism And Liberation. The vice presidential nominee for this party is Yari Osorio. Jack Fellure, perennial candidate form West Virginia is the presidential nominee for Prohibition Party. Vice presidential nominee for this party is Toby Davis of Mississippi.
Andre Barnett, entrepreneur, of New York, and Buddy Roemer, former governor of Louisiana, are running for the nomination of Reform Party USA. Robert David Steele, withdrew Feb. 23, 2012, from this nomination race. Stewart Alexander, activist and 2008 Socialist Party USA vice presidential nominee from California, is the presidential nominee for Socialist Party USA. The vice presidential nominee for this party is Alejandro Mendoza of Texas. In addition to this, Lee Abramson, musician and entrepreneur of Michigan, Randy Blithe, singer and songwriter, of Virginia, Robert “Naked Cowboy” Burck, street performer of New York, terry Jones, pastor known for publicly burning Qurans, of Florida and Joe Shriner, former journalist, author and perennial candidate, of Ohio, are running as independent candidates for president of United States, in 2012 elections.
What do you think? You thought you have no choice, except Obama and Romney? Right? You actually have a much broader choice. Only reason you don’t know about these candidates is because big, mainstream media did not chose them for you. My question is, how long we will keep falling for what big media chooses for us, instead of voting, based on our own choice, knowledge, preference and conscience?
We are already seeing the huge hazards that two party political system poses on us, our country and nation. Major politicians from both parties, only care about their own, their party and big money, special interests. While country and it’s finances are going down the drain, they are running round the year campaigns and constantly busy in political bickering. This is because, like any other aspect of our lives, when competition is limited, the people at the top, feel no threat to their status quo and they can do whatever they want, regardless of what their voters want, what they promised and what they said in their campaigns. Beside other major flaws, our political system gives us one major deception, which is the leadership concept. We are still being told that strong leaders do what is good for the country and nation, without any regard to the public opinion. Caring for public opinion is termed as populism, by big media and mainstream politicians, which is supposed to be a bad thing. Meanwhile, nobody tells us, if not public opinion, then, who decides, what is good for us, and our country and nation?

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