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The Rules of /r/torrents : torrents

Bridesmaids Gifts

Welcome to the torrents subreddit. We are a thriving community dedicated to helping users old and new understand and use torrents. Please read over the rules before contributing. We only have a few, but they are important. No idea what torrents are? Read the FAQ’s.


No pirated content. [why? because.] This subreddit is for the discussion of torrenting culture and for learning how to use torrents. In other words, do not ask for links and do not post links to torrent files (try /r/illegaltorrents) or sites (sites go in /r/trackers).

Don’t be a dick. Read and understand reddiquette. Then read it again.

Look at the "new" queue. From time to time, look at the new tab and weep openly.

Mega. Mega. Mega mega. Mega mega mega mega, mega. Mega!

Block this, peer. (Use a seedbox?)

See rule #1 You can discuss this policy in the complaint against the mods thread. If you absolutely must discuss that sort of activity, check out /r/trackers.

via The Rules of /r/torrents : torrents.