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Staircase To Heavens, Ascension, Dreams, Ayahuasca

Gods descending from heavens is a common theme in all ancient cultures across the globe. Native Americans, Sumerians, Egyptians, Indians, Chinese, Australians, all have the similar stories. Flying has also been known in every culture. Vimanas, dragons, fiery chariots, flying serpents, flying horses, ascent in “fire, thunder and fumes” is also present in pretty much every ancient text of any culture. The beings arriving in these mystery vehicles seemed to always possess some advanced mystical powers and capabilities as well. Frequently, they are also depicted as teachers and guides, teaching new knowledge and things to humans.

Humans have always felt a connection to heavens and divine beings. Pretty much the followers of every religion look to the sky while praying. There are also numerous accounts of people being taken to the heavens consciously or at a different level of consciousness. Many of them come back. Some did not remember anything, others a remembered bit while there are yet more who seem to remember lots of details regarding the trip to heavens. These trips to heavens have led these experiences to another planet, another solar system, another galaxy or even another universe, depending upon the case. The travel and communication in most cases appeared to be instantaneous.

Heavens are usually occupied by a different species of advanced beings. Teaching and learning seem to be a common theme in heavens. Many of the crafts or vehicles are very advanced medical facilities. Abductees and experiencers have reported various medical, surgical and genetic procedures, and experimentations. Experiencers report these experiments being done on themselves or them watching other people going through those procedures. Some have reported meeting their own hybrid kids delivered during an earlier visit.

These alien experiences could be a part of the overall ascension process. Some of the aliens seem to be very much interested in our physical, spiritual, scientific and technological advancement. On the other hand, Experiencers have encountered very hostile aliens too. Apparently, everything is interconnected in the quantum field and we are kinda part of a cosmic playground. To be the successful and dominant players in this game we must continuously increase and improve our capabilities. Appropriate musical frequencies, meditation, character building, company of ascended masters, breathing techniques, pure mineral water, and healthy, organic and natural diet are very helpful in this journey.

Dreams are an alternative reality that our brain creates every night or pretty much every time we sleep. Dreams are not always involuntary. Some people also experience lucid dreams in which they take the control of their dreams. People also experience out of body experiences in which they observe their body from outside and wander around outside the physical body. People also describe near-death experiences in which they enter into the other dimensions, not perceivable by our physical senses. Deep and experienced meditators also experience extra sensory realms. Entheogens, especially Ayahuasca is also a vehicle to an alternate reality. Some people would call it the actual, and more expanded and comprehensive reality outside the limitations of our very limited physical senses.

Breaking this 3D cage and experiencing hyperdimensional reality is very hard, long and time-consuming journey. Most people do not have time, resources and desire, strong enough to engage themselves in this struggle. Luckily, nature has not rendered us helpless in this spiritual necessity. Wonderful plants of mother Earth are there to our rescue, as usual. Humans have been using plant medicines across all the cultures, and religious and spiritual practices to reach and experience higher dimensions, to meet higher self, for ascension, to broaden and deepen their vision, for clarity and focus and for guidance.

Millions and even billions of years plant wisdom are crucial for our survival and growth. Plants are not merely food. They are the torch bearers in our lifelong journey. Modern so-called scientific, oppressive and dictatorial cultures, and religious and political ideologies have been trying very hard to separate us from mother Earth and its most precious treasure of plants. Draconian laws, vicious religious teachings, and taxpayers funded heavy hand of enforcement has been keeping us away from the lifeblood supply for spirituality. A very large number spiritual and non-spiritual global leaders including Jesus and Steve Jobs are authentically documented to get help from plant medicine while governments, corporate media, and organized religions continue to demonize and downplay the plant medicines.
The whole notion in the modern societies is based on extremely material Newtonian assumption that the reality is what we perceive with our five senses. Although with the very early and limited scientific growth and resources we had available at the time, it made some sense, this view is completely outdated and debunked by the later scientific developments and discoveries. As technology grew, we kept finding more and evidence and proofs for existence outside our five senses. As a matter of fact, the current scientific models prove, what we perceive with our five senses is just a very tiny proportion of overall electromagnetic spectrum in existence.
X-rays, ultrasound, ultra-violet, atoms, photons, and Higgs-Boson are impossible to be perceived by our five senses without a technological aid. Before the availability of these technological aids, humans and modern science had absolutely no clue about these. We are still growing, and novel advancements are making us march into wider and deeper realms of unknown. What spiritual people were used to be ridiculed for everyday and everywhere, are now becoming the widely accepted scientific realities and proven facts. We have already confirmed almost everything basic spiritual concept at the quantum level via authentic scientific means.
Unified universal field, non-locality, quantum entanglement, instantaneous communication, duality and dependence of observed reality on observer are no longer the mere spiritual concept. These are hardcore scientific facts proven repeatedly and authentically by Physicists and scientists over and over again around the world in very large number experiments and laboratories. Spiritual aids and medicines that are commonly known as entheogens, psychedelics or hallucinogens, especially Ayahuasca, have been telling us these facts in the form of spiritual journeys for at least thousands of years, and the bottom line is this: In actual reality, we are not separated and divided across the religious, cultural, racial, national, ethnic and ideological lines.
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