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Human history is a continuous struggle on right to rule. The right to rule concepts are based on different methods of reasoning. Divine right, Might is right, Intelligentsia (Fascism), Workers’ paradise, Imperialism and Democracy are well worth mention here. For the most part of history, majority of people living on earth is ruled by divine right. The divine right concept came from organized religion. The organized religion argued that people must be ruled either by gods themselves or by the people having God given right to rule. In many ancient cultures, Egyptian, for example, the rulers claimed that they were gods. As civilization evolved and it became extremely difficult to convince someone that some people are gods, the organized religion came up with divine rights.

The idea behind divine right was like, okay, we are not gods. But, we are the people chosen by God or gods to rule the population. In earlier cultures these people were mostly the theocracy in different religions. In the meantime social evolution continued. Theocracies messed up big time. There were wars, rapes, forced marriages, corruption, social injustice and inequality. Theocrats became widely unpopular and it became impossible for people to believe that the people of God could be so messed up. People started questioning the very basic justification for organized religion.

This was a very dangerous situation for organized religion. So, they came up with another solution. They said that well, people of God should not be involved in messy affairs of this material world. From now on they would just certify the divine right of royalty chosen by God. In its essence this was a very intelligent move. This is the reason why it remained very popular in very large part of the world for a very long time. The idea was that the royalty will still be very much in bed with theocracy. But, the mess up caused by royalty will not be blamed on theocracy or religion.

It lasted for a very long period of time. But, the royalties messed up, so bad, everywhere in the world that intellectual awakening was unavoidable. People finally started realizing that this triangle between theocracy, bureaucracy and aristocracy is the cause of all the evils. This must be broken. But, it was not easy. Breaking societies out of ancient and old cultures, and setups was not a piece of cake. The first and foremost question was, if not divine right than what? Not many people in civilized world thought about that issue. Hence, a Pandora box got opened.

This new school of thought based on Godless politics, now known as Secularism, started providing so many bases for right to rule, to replace God. We are social animals. But, still animals. So, first replacement for the power of God was power of man. The most powerful who can make people obey must be the ruler. They are the only ones who can really create harmony, peace and rule of law. That did not go very well either. Powerful people became serious dictators. They were also fighting with each other all the time.

So, came the idea that the problems are caused because the powerful people are not always the smartest ones. The world must become a great place if it could be ruled by intelligent and smart people. Only to find out later that this was not a very good idea, either. Intelligent people start coming up with all kind of smart stuff to rip everyone else off. For them the less intelligent population became an inferior specie. Soon people could not feel and see much difference between them and previous right to rule holders.

Then came another idea. It basically said that problems are always caused by the small minorities of privileged people like religious hierarchy, intelligentsia, Lords and capitalists, and rich and powerful people. Why not just reverse this whole equation. We must be ruled by the majority of workers. Labor and workers are the people who generate all the wealth with their labor. They must be masters of their own destiny. So, the workers’ paradises came into being, commonly known as Socialist and Communist countries. Theoretically the ownership of everything was equally distributed among all the workers in country. Incentive for hard work was lost resulting into another series of serious failure.
This was followed by another apparently bright idea. Its essence was that the problem was there is a smarter and superior race of humans and then there are dumber and inferior races. Our problems will not be solved until and unless the inferior races are ruled by superior race. Unfortunately, this disastrous idea did not stop at superior race just ruling the inferior ones. Rulers went way too far and lots of wars, killings and bloodshed occurred. This privilege, just like the other ones became another source of exploitation and suppression. This was certainly not the solution of our problems, as well.
Finally, a bulb lights up in someone’s mind somewhere in the world. He says that all the problems are because every system we have devised so far, some people are ruling the others. Why not let everyone decide his or her own fate. This was probably the brightest idea presented, thus far. What can possibly go wrong with everyone deciding his own destiny? Democracy created the freest societies world has ever seen, in the history of civilized world. Soon, it became an overwhelmingly popular idea in western world. Other parts of the world started getting influenced, too.
Ladies and gentlemen, in spite of having the combination of most successful economic system, Capitalism, and most successful political system, Democracy, we are still far away from our destiny. We have a long way to go. Traditional privileges and influences of organized religion, power, intelligence, collectivism and Imperialism are still very strong and play in very mischievous way. As individuals we have not yet achieved a true freedom. In an ideal world every individual will be able to decide whether or not and what privileges he wants, and at what cost. Markets will be completely free of distortion.
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