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Rhythm, Repetition, Trance, Haal, Harmonics, Energy

Atlanta Cutlery Corporation
Rhythm and balance are the integral components of any and all existence. We find rhythm and balance from the quantum to the Universal level, and in anything and everything in between these two extremes. All the balance in this universe depends on the balance in energies from the tiniest level to the macrocosm. There is an absolute energetic balance of energies between fermions, Quarks and other most basic particles at the quantum level, at the atomic level, at the molecular level, at the cellular level, at the tissue level, and at the biological existence level. Any existence and all life is impossible without these natural, rhythmic energy frequencies. Origination and survival of life is entirely dependent on these frequencies.

Repetition is the essence of the universe. Repetition of specific frequencies and wavelengths in sub-atomic, atomic and molecular particles, crystals, tissue structures and body parts, functions, and systems, rotations and revolutions, circadian rhythms, production, reproduction, and evolution is the most basic requirement for existence. That is why our brain is so dependent on the repetition or the recognition of patterns. Our brain is actually a pattern recognition machine. We frequently misinterpret reality based on our past learning of patterns. Our brain can and is easily deceived by the manipulation of these patterns.

That is why certain regular beats and patterns of frequencies can alter our perception. We frequently make mistakes due to the misinterpretation of patterns and when patterns are unexpectedly changed. Certain frequencies can activate or enhance the certain function of the brain. Other frequencies may suppress certain sensory inputs and outputs. So, frequencies exert enormous effects on relative performance and functioning of different parts of the brain and in maintaining an optimal balance between the relative functioning of different parts of the brain. If this balance is altered, the overall perception might be altered too.

Different schools of thought in spiritual world commonly use this altered perception to help us break away from this false 3D virtual reality. Common methods used are prayer, meditation, fasting, music, mind-altering natural substances like Ayahuasca and lovemaking. Common between all these spiritual methods is that these techniques elevate us from this 3D reality to higher and hyperdimensional frequencies, and states. Practicing people in the spiritual world usually experience an altered state of mind commonly termed as trance. Trance is a state of hyper-excitement which results in a perpetual, ever increasing in intensity and an unending spiral of excitement. Trance causes excitement and excitement cause trance, to reach unimaginable peaks of excitement. This state of hyper excitement, commonly termed as love, is the key to our connection with truth, ultimate reality, and God.

Different schools of spirituality have different names and terminologies for this altered state of mind. Modern material science calls it a hallucination. But, we all know that until recently modern science was completely incapable of looking beyond the 3D material world. Fortunately, the quantum mechanics is now taking us on a roller coaster ride in the vastness and depths of extradimensional realities, not perceivable with our very limited five sense. In Sufism, it is called Haal. An experiencer gets into haal when the dancing body is set into a rhythmic synchronous frequency matching the holy spiritual music. Help with entheogens, tantric sex, and spiritual masters are frequently the integral parts of these unforgettable and life-changing experiences. You really go to the places where no man has gone before.

Power of harmonics is known in Physics for a while. Harmonic motion taking place at right time, right place and with accurate harmonization can disrupt or change the entire universe and even multiverse. Harmonics in music, chanting, and drums are often used to disrupt the 3D illusion and make us dive into the ultimate reality and other dimensions. Properly done harmonics can definitely throw you into a deep trance or an alternative state of mind. Your mind and consciousness get aligned with the higher divine frequencies and you directly experience it all. Your frequency keeps rising and rising until you get to a point where all the illusions get blasted away and one finds himself or herself in a completely new realm.

So, we have the energy and the power to change ourselves and our world. All we need is a little will, a little intention, a little knowledge and a bit of hard work. We have been deceived and enslaved by our alien gods for a very long time. They have used all type of weapons against us: shortening and limiting lifespan, genetic manipulation, shutting down major parts of our brain, governments, organized religion and corporate media propaganda. Our generations are dumbed down first by education from organized religions in the past, and now by government-run education systems. Dependency is encouraged intentionally with the help of welfare systems. People are divided by restrictions on immigration, trade and artificial borders. Enough is enough. It is the time for all of us to wake up to the true reality. Reality is not what is being projected to us. The sovereignty of the individual is the reality. The divinity of human beings is the reality. We all come from one source and are the part of one source. We all are one and we all are divine. We have unlimited power, authority, and freedom. No organized religion and no government can imprison us into their own little boxes. We are well above and beyond the so-called organized religious traditions and man-made laws. God has well defined the natural laws and those are the only way to peace and harmony. Organized religions and governments have caused nothing but hate, violence, and wars. They have taken away our freedoms, torn our families apart and stolen our hard earned money.
The building of peaceful and harmonious societies is possible only if the power is in the hands of individuals and families. Top down from multi-trillion dollar elite, corrupt, inefficient and crony governments has been nothing but a disaster throughout the course of human history. Freedom is the most precious asset we have. Only freedom can lead us to break down all the chains wrapped around us by traditions, cultures, organized religions and governments. Individual consciousness is what constructs the whole universe around us. We must not let anyone affect this construct except ourselves. Let us get out of this elite controlled reality and enter into our own.
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