Vitamin Test (B12, Folate, D, E, Q10)


How the Test Works GetTested’s home-based blood test offers a convenient way to monitor vital vitamins. A simple finger prick is all it takes to collect a blood sample, which should be done …

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How the Test Works GetTested’s home-based blood test offers a convenient way to monitor vital vitamins. A simple finger prick is all it takes to collect a blood sample, which should be done on an empty stomach in the morning. The sample is then sent for lab analysis, with results delivered digitally. The test price includes shipping to the lab. Key Vitamins Analyzed Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin): This vitamin is crucial for converting food into energy. It supports healthy skin, hair, eyes, liver function, and the nervous system. Moreover, Vitamin B12 plays a critical role in forming red blood cells and synthesizing DNA. Folate (Vitamin B9): Folic acid, a synthetic form of folate, is vital for growth and red blood cell formation. It becomes especially important during pregnancy for cell division. Vitamin D: More than just a vitamin, Vitamin D acts as a steroid hormone, essential for bones, teeth, and immune health. Your skin synthesizes it from sun exposure, affecting how your body absorbs phosphorus and calcium. Vitamin E: As a powerful antioxidant, Vitamin E safeguards cells from oxidative stress. Additionally, it aids in immune function and blood clot prevention. Coenzyme Q10 (Q10): Q10, crucial for cellular energy metabolism, decreases with age. Testing for Q10 is especially important for individuals over 50 to promote healthy aging. Importance of Analysis Vitamin B12 & Folate: These two work together to maintain healthy nerve cells and blood cell production. Insufficient levels can cause fatigue and neurological issues. They also regulate homocysteine levels, impacting cardiovascular health. Vitamin D: Essential during the less sunny months, Vitamin D testing ensures you maintain adequate levels for bone and immune health. Vitamin E: Analyzing Vitamin E levels is crucial for understanding your body’s ability to fight oxidative stress and maintain immune health. Coenzyme Q10 (Q10): Testing for Q10 becomes increasingly important as you age, ensuring your cells metabolize energy effectively. Who Should Take This Test? This test is ideal for those on restricted diets, the elderly, individuals with certain medical conditions affecting nutrient absorption, and anyone experiencing symptoms of vitamin deficiencies. It is also valuable for proactive health enthusiasts looking to optimize their vitamin intake and overall well-being.

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