Let???s be clear–it is not cool to show up to a date with a black eye. Unless, of course, that date is taking place at a costume party and you are dressed as a football player and you used this Sports Eye Black Stick to create said (faux) black eye. Then, we think it???s cool. But that is the ONLY time. Seriously.
Black eyes say, ???I???m ready to brawl.??? Black eyes say, ???You don???t want to mess with me.??? Black eyes say, ???He got one good punch in before I took him to town.??? All great things to say to your opponents on the line of scrimmage. But…you get why it???s not a good look for a date, right? Good! Now we know there is some difference between the black eyes you get from punches and the black lines sports players wear to reduce glare from the sun and lights. But either way, it???s not a good omen for love. If you???re dressing up as your favorite ball player, however, feel free to apply under the eyes liberally and look ferocious!
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