Pool Inflatable Electric Air Pump


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ANY ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY… They say that any kind of high-tech can appear to be magic to those who aren’t sure how it works.?? Turns out that the opposite is also true!?? Any kind of strange magic might just look like technology working as intended to most eyes!?? Makes one wonder just how many pieces of technology that we’re using these days that are actually powered by arcane sigils, ghostly possession, wizard chants, or conjured creatures!?? Fortunately, we have our hands in a few of those circles and can give you the supernatural specs! FUN DETAILS For example, when you’re ready to enjoy some fun in the sun and want to wade in the water??? Who has time to hyperventilate trying to blow up the inflatable pool!??? Our chief crafters have conjured up some boisterous air elementals who are happy to help… so long as you give them a little electrical juice, that is.?? Hook up this so-called??machine and one of three nozzles??to your pool and you’ll be ready for a dip in minutes!?? A MAGICAL TIME-SAVER Who knew that air and water could mix so well??? Well, with the combined work of this Electric Air Pump and your inflatable pool, you’ll be able to combine the elements together to create an amazing summer day without having to wait until tomorrow to catch your breath!

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