Next Level Awesomeness
How cool would it be if humans could level up? Succeed in adulting tasks like clearing the sink of dirty dishes or remembering to pay your bills on time and poof! Suddenly you have laser eyes or flight power. Sadly, the human DNA simply isn???t structured for crazy bonus features, but you???re in luck: Wearing a super awesome accessory kit is the next best thing to achieving that higher level! Even better, if you costume yourself with a super-adorable, super-powerful Pok??mon, well, you???ll be unstoppable!
Product Details
Harness the power of a total upgrade with this officially licensed Pok??mon Charmander Accessory Kit! An orange hood with the Charmander???s eager expression fits snugly over your head, and its signature flame-tipped tail straps to your waist and swishes sassily from your behind. Even better, you don???t need to defeat any other Pok??mons to get this kit!
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