Plus Size Magnificent Matador Women’s Costume


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The crowd is loud, deafening as you wait behind the gates,??adjusting your dashing red cape just so. You’ve been training for this night a long time. Now is the time you find out, do you??have??it in you? You take a deep breath and??throw??open the doors. A hush comes over the throng the was raucous only moments before, everyone is looking at you. Somewhere, in??an??unseen corner, a deft hand plucks a tune on a??Spanish??guitar. You don’t know how you ever doubted??yourself. If you’ve ever been ready for anything you’re ready to rock this party!??No bull.??
The matador has been long admired for having the best uniform in sporting history. Sure, tight pants are the norm for football and baseball??players but bullfighters were the ones who set the sporting look on the right track. Plus, what??other??sport uses gold cording with such abandon? That’s right, no one compares! Now, whether or not you agree with the??controversial??practice of bullfighting you can wear the centuries old fashion uniform. The snazzy??bolero jacket is named for??the bullfighter’s??cropped??blazer, they invented the high waisted pant, and??the??cape is literally part of??their uniform. Oh??yeah, and??who else can pull??off a hat shaped like a??cartoony??cloud these days? Yeah, no one but bullfighters.????
Our suggestion, skip the running of the bulls this year and simply slip on this ensemble.??No??animal cruelty required. If you miss that element of danger, we’re sure you can find a pal to attend the costume party by your side??as the bull. The brave matador and the irritable bovine, getting along together at last!??That way, with all the pride and??fashionable??zeal of a bullfighter, you can conquer Halloween!

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