Men’s Luke Skywalker Deluxe Costume


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Growing up on Tatooine was no picnic. Luke had to put up with conniving Jawas, violent Tusken raiders, sand everywhere (it???s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere), and had to spend all of his time maintaining moisture collecting machinery just to stay alive. There were no girls around except for his Aunt Grace, and no boys to play with except for his weird old hermit buddy. Sure, there were occasional diversions like cruising around in a landspeeder, blowing up womp rats, and looking at multiple sunsets, but we bet every day Luke wished he had been born somewhere more pleasant, like on Alderaan. Maybe even as royalty. Would have been nice, right? But all of that would change with the arrival of a couple of odd droids. Funny how fate works, isn???t it? Almost like there???s some external ???Force??? that affects all of our destinies. Luke would leave his desert home to blow up evil space stations, receive training from legendary Jedi masters, fire bad guys into sarlacc pits, and even voice a certain psychotic clown on a popular animated series. Just goes to show that patience pays off. If you???re a traditionalist and a Star Wars fan, Luke Skywalker will always be your favorite protagonist. He was the perfect character to see that bizarre galaxy through the eyes of: brave, a little naive, and at times self-doubting but without being a coward. Here???s your chance to pay homage to Mark Hamill???s iconic hero, an accessible and handsome Luke Skywalker costume for all occasions.

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