Have Some Tea
Aside from Alice, whose Curioser and curioser! will always hold a place in our hearts, the Mad Hatter is by far our favorite resident of Wonderland! The guy is a legend, really. He’s always got the perfect batty thing to say, from It’s an unbirthday party! to Take some more tea. You can’t take less. It’s very easy to take more than nothing. He goes through life merrily, not worried at all that the Red Queen would like to separate him from his head. We’d like to have that kind of swagger – and now, by dressing like him, we can!??
Product Details??
We’re all mad here, especially when we wear this exclusive Mad Hatter Men’s Costume! A lovely maroon suit coat adorned with buttons and false pockets goes beautifully (or should we say battily) over a gaudy yellow vest front and a teal bowtie. The brown patterned pants have an elastic waistband that’s beautifully comfortable for sitting down to tea. The matching foam-backed, high-crowned hat has a maroon band and an attached sign to let any onlookers know how much that style of hat would cost them to purchase, in case they want to look as fabulous as you do.????
Mad, Quite Mad
Did you ever wonder where the expression mad as a hatter came from? Well, many years ago, hatmakers used to use mercury to make their hats and that concoction caused them to go a little bonkers. Fortunately, this costume will make you go the good kind of batty, the kind that comes from a stellar imagination.??Grab your favorite teacup!??
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