Health Test Basic


GetTested’s Health Test Basic GetTested’s Health Test Basic is a detailed blood test designed to measure a broad range of health markers. Ideal for those seeking an in-depth overview of their heal…

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GetTested’s Health Test Basic GetTested’s Health Test Basic is a detailed blood test designed to measure a broad range of health markers. Ideal for those seeking an in-depth overview of their health, this test provides insights into kidney, liver, and pancreas functions, cholesterol levels, inflammation markers, thyroid health, as well as essential vitamins and minerals. Detailed Health Markers Analysis Kidney Function : Firstly, Creatinine and Urea levels offer crucial insights into kidney health. Pancreas Health : Additionally, Amylase level analysis indicates pancreatic function. Liver Function : Moreover, markers such as GGT, GOT (AST), GPT (ALT), and AP (ALP) provide a comprehensive liver health assessment. Cholesterol Profile : Furthermore, the test evaluates Total Cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and Triglycerides to assess cardiovascular risk. Inflammation : Also, hs-CRP levels are measured to detect inflammation in the body. Thyroid Function : Importantly, TSH levels reveal insights about thyroid health. Vitamins and Minerals : The test includes an array of nutrients like Vitamin B9 (Folate/Folic Acid), Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin), Vitamin D3 (25OH), Vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopherol), Q10, Ferritin, Selenium, and Copper, providing a complete nutritional and metabolic profile. Convenience and Accuracy Collecting a blood sample at home is easy and convenient with the Health Test Basic kit. The kit comes with all necessary materials for sample collection, and return postage is included for sending it to the laboratory. ISO 15189 Certified Lab Analysis Subsequently, the sample undergoes rigorous analysis at an ISO 15189 certified laboratory, ensuring high standards of accuracy and reliability. Who Should Consider This Test? This test is particularly beneficial for individuals aiming to gain a comprehensive understanding of their health, detect potential issues early, or monitor existing health conditions. It’s also suitable for those interested in optimizing health through detailed insights into body functions. Rapid, Digital Results After the laboratory analysis is complete, GetTested provides digital results promptly, offering a clear and comprehensive view of your health status.

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