Hair Mineral Analysis


About GetTested’s Hair Mineral Analysis Hair Mineral Analysis is an advanced screening method providing deep insights into your body’s mineral balance and exposure to heavy metals. Firstly, this t…

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About GetTested’s Hair Mineral Analysis Hair Mineral Analysis is an advanced screening method providing deep insights into your body’s mineral balance and exposure to heavy metals. Firstly, this test measures levels of essential minerals and trace minerals. It also identifies potentially harmful heavy metals and toxic substances in the body. Trace minerals are essential for the body in small amounts but can be toxic in larger doses. Even in small amounts, heavy metals and other toxic substances can be harmful and require careful monitoring. By analyzing a small piece of hair, or nails for those lacking sufficient hair, the test offers a non-invasive method to assess your nutritional status and toxic exposures. For those without head hair, using other body hair is also acceptable. Benefits of Hair Mineral Analysis Non-Invasive and Simple: Requires only a small amount of hair or nails, making it a painless and straightforward process. Long-Term Exposure Indicator: Hair and nails store information about your body’s chemical balance over months, offering a more comprehensive view than blood tests that reflect the current state. ISO-Certified Lab: Analyses are performed at an accredited and ISO-certified laboratory, ensuring the highest standard of precision and reliability in the results. Why Hair Mineral Analysis? Hair Mineral Analysis offers a unique, long-term perspective on your body’s chemical balance, unlike the snapshot provided by blood tests. This advanced test measures 39 substances. These include 5 minerals, 15 trace minerals, 7 heavy metals, and 12 toxic substances. It gives a comprehensive health overview. The test reveals how these substances have built up over time. This insight helps identify long-term exposures and their health impacts. With this detail, you can take specific steps to address imbalances and reduce harmful exposures. For those aiming to enhance their health further, we also provide DNA, hormone, gut, and nutrition tests. The Process Undergoing a Hair Mineral Analysis with GetTested is straightforward. After ordering your test kit online, you follow simple instructions to collect and submit your sample. Your sample is then analyzed at an ISO-certified lab, and you receive a detailed report with your results and recommendations.

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