Are you a fan??of??beachcombing? You never know what you’re going to find, right? You might nab up a beautiful shell, a mysterious pronged object that your friend calls a??dinglehopper, and if you’re really lucky you just might find a handsome prince that needs saving! You’d be pretty lucky if you were that prince as well! Cause, hey, you just got saved by a mermaid with a fantastic voice! Don’t worry about??why that seagull is listening to your foot, that’s not important.????
We’re certainly glad that Prince Eric was saved on that beach that day! For one, he’s a dog lover. We’ve seen Disney princes hang out with horses and a??monkey but most of them aren’t animal lovers. All Disney princesses are animal lovers so we feel like a good relationship with pets would be a must. Secondly, Ariel and Eric are meant to be since they’re both into music. Eric is always carrying around his flute (to be honest, we’re??disappointed??the sequel didn’t include a Mermaid and Man band, Sebastian could have??been??a part of it too).????
Hey, we’ve got an idea. You can be the plot twist we wish to see in the world!??This costume is perfect for your new musical??career. It includes Eric’s open neck white shirt and??fitted dark blue pants with a red sash around the waist. You’ll also get a pair of boot toppers to make??your legs??seaworthy. Now, conquering??that suave princely expression is all up to you!??
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