Sworn Enemies
Curse that nuisance, Peter Pan! He’s always flying around overhead, pestering you and distracting you from your goal of getting off this amazing fairytale island and going back to honest pirating. He’s even got that huge crocodile involved ever since he gave it a chew toy that looked like you. (Rude.) It’s not your fault that you tried to do him in once or twice. That’s just the pirate way.??
Product Details
Be swashbucklingly sensational in your exclusive Kid’s Captain Hook Costume! The unisex outfit includes a long jacket made of deep red velvet and decorated with golden trim along the edges and faux pockets. The snowy white neck scarf fastens in the back and its frills look amazing against the jacket’s neckline. The black faux leather belt fastens around your waist, accented by a gold-tone plastic slide buckle. Foam-backed velvet boot tops secure under your feet with attached elastic bands. The red tricorn hat can be shaped as desired thanks to a hidden wire and is trimmed with a feather and golden accents.??
Neverland’s Nemesis??
Ever since you ran aground, you’ve noticed that this island is a pretty unusual place. It’s got real mermaids whose sweet voices sing from the lagoon, fairies who flit around trailing pixie dust, and inhabitants who never grow old. Boring! Where’s the shivering timbers, the sea battles, and the planks for your enemies to walk? You’ll have to shake things up a little now that you’re here. In fact, Neverland could become a really amazing pirate refuge (which you’ll rule, of course). If only you can avoid that crocodile…
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