Adult Power Rangers Megazord Slippers


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Megazord Power, On! The Power Rangers make piloting their Zords look easy???heck, they admit it feels second nature! Even when combining the power to become the Dino Megazord. But without the same Power Coins, we’d likely be lost trying to operate such impressive vehicles. And, let’s face it, that is a major buzzkill. But, as you might have guessed, we have a solution! These exclusive Power Rangers Megazord Slippers for Adults let lifelong fans command not one but two Megazords with ease! In fact, it’s as easy as putting one foot in front of the other and as relaxing as throwing your feet up on the couch! Fun Details Harness a different Megazord power when you add these officially licensed adult Power Rangers slippers to your collection! The plush footwear starts with a soft-sculpted body featuring a fiber-filled Megazord helm. Printed graphics ensure the horned shape is recognizable as the iconic Dino Megazord. Meanwhile, illustrations on the sides bring the Blue Triceratops and Yellow Saber-Toothed Tiger to the mix, ensuring the Megazord has sturdy legs to stand on. It’s not all about looks, though. The plump slippers are wrapped in super-soft polyester fabric that promises a comfortably warm fit. The soles add to the comfort of the slippers, making each step feel cushioned from further fiber-filling. Ensuring commanding your first Megazords is a safe endeavor, the slippers feature anti-slip grips on the bottom. So, whether acting out the epic battles as they unfold on screen or simply strolling across kitchen floors, your steps remain steady.

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