When’s the last time you got a manicure? The options these days are endless. You can get all sorts of colors with variations of shininess. You could build them up to three-dimensional??levels with candy-like gems or golden spikes. You could do so many things with your nails but nothing can beat the look that our man Edward Scissors unique manicure??in Tim Burton’s nineties classic.???? Now, to be fair, no one who’s seen the movie would actually want to be??afflicted??with??Edward’s hand problem??but??you’ll have a??similar image as the pointy fingered recluse. The base of the gloves??are??black, they have gray accents and??long plastic blades with a metallic sheen. There??are??also handles at the knuckles to give your paws that homespun mad scientist??look. They won’t work for trimming shrubbery or cutting hair but at least you can nap on a water bed without incident!????
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