When you’re the ruler of the greatest ancient empire on the Nile river, you don’t have to worry about what anything costs. Your only concern is keeping up with the most fabulous fashion of the time. You had to make sure everything was adorned in gorgeous jewels, flaked in gold, or made of the most luxurious Egyptian linens. Everything was at your fingertips as far as your great river would stretch. With ruling all of those people, we suppose you had earned it though. Maybe that and a few statues of yourself dotting the riverbanks. A pyramid just for you? So it shall be written, so it shall be done!
The biggest proof of your power though, was the great headdress adorning you as a king of Europe would wear a crown. We understand that your royalty hasn’t quite been recognized yet, but we know as well as you do that it’s only a matter of time before this occurs. While your waiting, this fantastic King Tut headband will be a fantastic place holder to prepare you for the real deal.
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