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ISIS, McCain, Graham, Bombing, Revolution, Peace

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Now, the news is that we want to end the threat to world peace by bombing ISIS and we want EU, Russia, China and whole world to be partner with us in this our latest venture for stability. For last thirteen years we are trying to convince the world on our notion that Islamic extremists are the biggest threat to world peace and stability. Yet, we are invading one country after the other, all of those Muslim, by the way. How in the world we are not confusing the citizens of world on who actually is the biggest threat to peace and stability? We have proven time and again that national sovereignty has absolutely no value in our eyes.

In almost every country of the world, especially in Muslim countries, people are openly raising concerns and say that they could be the next. At the same time we are challenging Russia and irritating China, as well. We are worried about everything and everyone except our own seventeen trillion dollar debt and over a trillion dollar annual budget deficit. How can any sane person believe that all this is going to turn out to be all right? The solution for every problem, now, is to use our military might. Is this sheer craziness or what? We keep on growing and feeding problems and then finding solutions in more wars?

What I do not understand is how and why we expect different results from same strategy? At one point Soviet union was a huge threat. We had to fight their expansionist policies in Afghanistan. So, we organized, armed, trained and funded Muslim extremist groups. They kicked Soviet Union out, though. But, after that they got engaged in a very bloody and prolonged civil war. That war was ultimately won by Taliban. They built the most horrific government. Al-Qaeda got a safe haven there. Allegedly, Al-Qaeda attacked us on September 11, 2001.

We demanded that Taliban hand over Al-Qaeda leaders, especially Osama Bin laden to us. Taliban said that they were not bound with any treaty to hand over those criminals to us. They also said that Al-Qaeda is being blamed for 9/11 attacks. But, they deny any involvement and a court of law has not plead them guilty. So, they were not going to hand over those people to us. We attacked Afghanistan. We could have gotten Osama Bin Laden, the main culprit in that conspiracy, very early in the war. But, we let him go and kept stretching the war longer and longer. The reasons given by our government for prolonged war were like to uproot the terrorists from that country, re- build the nation and establish Democracy.

The war is still going on. The groups that we wanted to exterminate, still exist there. A so called democratic government was established. The democratic Afghan government is commonly being criticized for extensive and immense corruption. On Afghan army we spent billions to train and equip them. It is still unable to take care of so called terrorist groups. The Afghan police also equipped and trained by us is extremely corrupt, too. In simple words Afghan people do not trust their government and police, and we are getting blamed for it.

Iran was one of very early Democracies in Muslim world. Problem was that the democratically elected government in this oil rich country would not follow the guidelines provided by rich and powerful oil companies. So, oil lobbies pushed our government to get rid of him. We organized and funded a cope against him. He got thrown out. He was replaced by the monarchy of Shah Iran. They were cruel, reckless, and lavish. Both father and son looted the nation with both hands.

People got turned against them. Shah was thrown away in a very popular uprising. He was replaced by a French backed extremist regime lead by Ayatollah Khomeini. That regime is still in power and allegedly has become a big threat to us and Israel. If we did not throw away a very early Democratic regime in Iran for vested oil interests, probably none of this would have ever happened. Now, we are scared of their nuclear program. Although U.N. inspectors have repeatedly said that there is no evidence that Iran is making a nuclear bomb.
We were so scared of Iran that we armed and trained Saddam Hussein’s army and persuaded him to attack Iran. We got so passionate about it that we even provided chemical and biological weapons to him. Later he used those weapons against his own people. Iran-Iraq war was long, protracted and bloody. In spite of all the help from us, Saddam was not able to cause any major damage to Iran. All that war did was that Saddam became even a bigger bully. He started bullying other Arab nations. He finally ended up attacking Kuwait. He thought that we were not going to help Kuwait against a longtime ally who fought a long and bloody war for us.
Big Bush went on to rescue Kuwait. But, he was smart enough to not go into Iraq. The reason he cited for not going into Iraq needs to written in golden words. He said that it was because we did not have any exit strategy. His cowboy son was more stupid. He went into Iraq and declared mission accomplished after conquering Baghdad. Mission couldn’t be further from accomplished.
We started funding Muslim Brotherhood to take care of pro-Soviet Nasser. His dictatorial rule was replaced by two other successive dictators, Sadat and Mubarak. By the time Mubarak was well ahead in his long dictatorship, we started realizing the threat posed by our longtime allies, Muslim brotherhood. It was because Mubarak was ready have peace with Israel. We turned the tables again and started supporting Mubarak. Mubarak’s long dictatorial rule ends up with another uprising. With air now blowing in different direction, we wanted to have Democracy in Egypt. So, we started aligning ourselves with protesters. He got thrown away by military and there were elections. We were not happy with elected government, either.
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