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Original Panasonic Lamp & Housing TwinPack for the PT-DW6300 Projector – 240 Day Warranty
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Original Panasonic Lamp & Housing TwinPack for the PT-DW6300 Projector – 240 Day Warranty [Read More]
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The terrorist wet dream seems to very close to realization. India and Pakistan are at the verge of a potential cataclysm of nuclear war. The point of conflict is the same as it has been for last seventy-one years, Kashmir. Kashmir is a disputed territory between the two countries. When India and Pakistan were divided in 1947, different provinces and regions were awarded to either country based on Muslim majority or minority except for the independent states. As we will find out, the division of India based on religion was not a good idea anyway. Independent states were left on the decision of the rulers of the states.

This placed the states of Hyderabad and Kashmir in a very distinct position. Hyderabad had a Hindu majority and Muslim ruler while Kashmir had a Muslim majority and a Sikh ruler. These two, later on, became part of the group of five Indian states which did not want to be the part of India. Hyderabad’s ruler declared to be a part of Pakistan and Kashmir’s Raja decided to be a part of India. India did not accept the decision of Hyderabad state and Indian military took control of Hyderabad. Pakistan did not accept the decision of Kashmiri Raja and the first war between India and Pakistan was fought just one year after the division of India, in 1948 which lead to the division of Kashmir between Pakistani controlled and Indian controlled territories.

War was ended with U.N. resolution 47 which demanded a plebiscite, along with the withdrawal of Pakistani forces and other militants. Both countries rejected the resolution. Pakistan has since regretted that rejection a lot. It has officially reversed its position and has repeatedly demanded the plebiscite based on resolution 47. The initial rejection was probably because of the incredible success of Pakistani military and supporting militants in the 1948 war which made the plebiscite to look like an unnecessary compromise. In the meantime, the movement for secession of Kashmir from both India and Pakistan continues to grow.

Meanwhile, violence keeps getting worse in Kashmir. Freedom is our most valuable asset. Everything becomes meaningless if you do not have the freedom to use it, any way you want to use it. Unfortunately, for several thousand years it has become a norm to have our lives controlled by religion, state or both. Only options people are provided with are this state, that state or a new state. But, conflict and violence never end. It is because religion and state are the root causes of all violence.

We are indoctrinated to choose between one set of masters or the others. Gods to demigods, to emperors and kings, Pharaohs, dictators and fascists, presidents and prime ministers, Republics, and Democracies. All are just different brand names, labels, and packagings. Princeton study proved it beyond any doubt that every single political system humans have ever lived under, always boils down to an oligarchy. You are good only as long as you completely abide by the whims of ruling elite also known as so-called laws, rules and regulations. As soon as you try to exercise your own will, you become condemned.

Pakistan does not have any automatic rights over Kashmir or any Kashmiri and India does not have any automatic rights over Kashmir or any Kashmiri. Only a Kashmiri has rights over himself, herself or their families. Still, this is never mentioned in media or politics. Kashmir is nothing more than a point for political posturing on both sides while Kashmiris are falling victim to terrorism. Millions have died since 1947, mostly innocent civilians. People live in continuous fear. Once, one of the biggest tourist attraction, paradise on earth, is suffering from serious economic and financial consequences.

Kashmir also has very strong strategic importance for Russia, China, and Europe. As a matter of fact, a small part of Kashmir is already controlled by China. But, the real solution is not in the hands of China, U.S., Russia, Pakistan, India or Europe. It is in the hands of Kashmiri people. Do they just want of a new set of masters or they want real freedom? There is no real freedom as long as religion and governments are ruling the world. While religion and governments have given us more destruction and death than any other factor in human history, free-market Capitalism has created the most prosperous world ever, the largest and richest middle class ever and fastest declines in poverty rates worldwide, wherever it is implemented.
Once impoverished and devastated countries like Soviet Union, China, India, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Cuba are now flourishing under free markets while Socialist countries like DPRK and Venezuela are taking last breaths. Is Kashmir going to be the luckiest Anarcho-Capitalist society by getting rid of two biggest evils religion and government? Kashmiris have nothing to lose. They have been trying to change masters for over seventy years now.
All they have to do now is to say that no more masters. They have to emphasize that they want to be the masters of their own destinies. No India, no Pakistan, no U.S., no Russia, no China, no Europe. Stateless free market Capitalism is their only salvation. In that way, their freedom, real freedom, is not going to be a potential threat to any of the involved parties. A potential threat is the real concern of involved parties and the major reason why this problem cannot be resolved. In this way, Kashmiris also become a shining example and role model for other struggling people like Palestinians.
People have long been the fodder for the guns of the elite, controlling religion and government. It is now the high time for them to set themselves free of these age-old decaying bonds. This will not only guarantee freedom for Kashmiris, but it will also assure rapid growth and unmatched prosperity. Just imagine, you do not have to pay back-breaking taxes for the maintenance of lavish governments, military, and bureaucracy. No more corruption. Only fair, cut-throat competition in unregulated markets between the businesses that have the only way of pleasing you and earn your business is by delighting you to the max.
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