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Governments, Economy, Capitalism, Socialism, Regulations, Freedom

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Before Capitalism elite used to own over 90% of the wealth. In the Soviet Union, pre-market reforms China and India, DPRK, Cuba, and Venezuela, elite owned/own over 95% of the wealth. Thanks to Capitalism, we were able to bring it down to 16-17%. Now, due to ever-increasing government regulations and its intermingling with the economy, the elite are back to owning around 20% of the wealth. Surprisingly, the liberal media, politicians, and academia, want more government regulation of the economy. While they say that they are asking for an equal distribution of wealth, history shows a totally opposite fact. Elite and government control always have resulted in an unequal distribution of wealth and free-market Capitalism for the first time ever in human history has made the wealth relatively far better distributed, not equal though.

Things that were not even dreamed of by the very small middle class in past, are now accessible to almost everyone. Over ninety percent of us eat three times a day, live in comfortable homes, wear nice clothes, have at least some education, have access to health care along with all kind of electronics, appliances, utilities, cars, furniture and at least reasonably paying jobs. Despite, what liberal media tells us, poverty rates are declining worldwide and relatively fewer people are getting killed in the violence.

The beauty of Capitalism is that it is a natural outcome of economic evolution. There is absolutely no violence or coercion involved and everything revolves around the voluntary and peaceful transactions. You produce whatever you want to produce, as much as you want to produce, any way you want to produce, at any pace you want to produce, the quality you want to produce, at any time of day you want to produce. After this, you decide if you want to sell it, gift it, donate it, destroy it, trash it or keep it to yourself.

On the other hand, Socialism is all about taking away the choice from producers and hand it over to elite control Aka government. This is inherently the result of thinking that people are stupid and they do not have the capability to make correct decisions in this regard or in any other matter. So, this function and this responsibility must be taken over by so-called smarter and more responsible people. In their minds, this is the only way we can ever have justice in this world. Hypothetically this was supposed to make the economic operation more efficient, more productive, and more targets and needs oriented.

All the laws, rules and regulations in a Socialist society revolve around obtaining an equal outcome, a dream that has never come true in spite of tremendous ethical, human, economic and financial costs. Equal outcome is not possible in any sphere of life, not just economy. You cannot make two babies of same parents exactly same. Even homozygous twins are not exactly same. Two real sisters cannot make a dish that is exactly same. Two master tailors cannot make dresses that are exactly same as each other.

We know that freedom is not possible until and unless we can speak our minds, protect ourselves, have privacy, being productive, are financially independent and free to choose. Governments, laws, central planning, rules, regulations and taxation, all limit our cherished freedoms one way or the other. If we have to follow the guidelines from central planners in our education, financing, employment, home building, eating and how much we can keep for ourselves than we are not really free. We are like an animal in a zoo. We can never have the pleasures of wild. This gets worse when governments start dictating their ethics, as well.

Governments do not produce. They are the parasites living on the lifeblood of our tax money. Whatever they do is done at our cost. Huge mansions, gigantic airplanes, lavish furnishing and decorations, cost of regulations and resulting bureaucracy, expenses on enforcement, military industrial complex, and wars, everything is done with taxes from our hard earn money. Money is freedom. When they take away an ever-increasing proportion of our money, they are increasingly limiting our freedom. With less money in your pocket, you have less freedom to make choices. You may have to eat cheap, unhealthy fast food, for example, with less money that you have.
Everything we cherish in our lives is dependent on how much freedom we have. From education to work, to travel, to leisure, to entertainment, to daily activities all depend on the level of freedom we have. Our true happiness and satisfaction totally depend on our freedom to choose our way of living. Whether we are allowed to acquire proper knowledge and training? Are we free to choose how we want to earn living? Can we decide where we want to spend and how much we want to spend? Do we have the freedom to eat, drink or smoke whatever we want to?
The disturbing answer, for the most part, is no. Our rights are being taken away, one after the other. Government is spying on every one of us 24/7. We do not have any privacy left. The federal government is increasingly dictating the policies to local educational districts. Laws like Patriot Act and NDAA are placing draconian powers in the hands of the executive branch, specifically president. Federal Reserve keeps printing the fiat money in trillions devaluing our hard earned income. Annual budget deficits are horrendous at federal, state and local levels. The National debt is reaching a whopping high of 20 trillion dollars. More and more wars are being started and threatened, and existing wars are not coming to an end. Cost of these wars and post-war liabilities like healthcare are now in trillions, as well. Thousands of young men and women have lost their lives, tens of thousands permanently disabled and hundreds of thousands of families are adversely affected. Princeton and Northwestern Universities have found in their studies that U.S. is an oligarchy now. While rich and powerful lobbies can get whatever through Congress, an average American has only negligible effect on legislation.
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