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Government, Force, Suppression, Marriage, Natural, Freedom

Youth Formula from SomaLife
It really doesn’t matter whether you believe in evolution or the religious pretext that Adam and Eve were thrown out of paradise because they disobeyed God, the fact of the matter is that individuals came first. With the passage of time individuals created various products, services and institutions to serve their purpose, make their lives easier and safer, and to make survival, growth and prosperity, on this planet, possible for human beings. Many of the products, services and institutions created by men came and thrived or disappeared depending upon their overall utility and benefits. The products, services and institutions that were more beneficial to individual interests, survived and thrived, and useless and harmful were lost and forgotten, forever.
Unfortunately, the utility is not the only factor which has determined the survival and growth of human created products, services and institutions. Other factors like money, power and influence have also played very important role in survival of these products, services and institutions. This is especially true about institutions. Many institutions have survived and thrived only because powerful money, propaganda and special interest machinery wants those to survive and thrive. In these cases, institutions serve the purpose of rich and powerful, instead of the original purpose of serving the individuals.
The rich and powerful propaganda machinery keep bombarding human minds with propaganda, convincing them that those elite institutions are actually for the good and security of everyone. The typical model of these elite serving institutions is that these suck the blood out of pretty much everyone, but benefit only few. Anecdotal evidence and presumptive theories are generally used to convince people about the utility of these useless institutions. These institutions never fulfill the rational and common sense criterion for a beneficial institution which is output more than input or a net gain, commonly known as profit.
The most powerful, destructive and widely used of these elite serving institutions is government. Governments never fit into the criterion of a beneficial institution. In most cases governments are actually reverse of beneficial which would be harmful because their input is always more than output. They always take more then they give out causing a net harm or loss. Because they are always taking in more than their output, they are continuously sucking out the precious resources from their citizens. On the other hand, even this limited and scarce output is mostly misdirected to special interest which it actually serves, in the name of public service. So, in the presence of a government, most individuals are straight and plain losers for the gain of very few.
Government is an organized gang and propaganda machinery which gives everyone an illusion that others are benefiting from their financial, physical, social and psychological sacrifices. But, in practice, it is next to impossible to actually pinpoint, who are those others, actually benefiting, except for very small class of special interest elite. Practically and realistically speaking, the beneficiaries are mostly a ghost class which no one can see and find although everyone keeps making sacrifices to benefit the unknown which is supposed to be benefiting.
Most civilized societies agree, at least in principle that no one should coerce and force anyone into anything against their will. This is a universally accepted moral principle for all individuals, living on this planet. All coercive use of force is immoral for individuals including murder, rape, involuntary servitude, theft, violence and violation of property rights. But, somehow, magically, a human created institution which is supposed to be serving individuals, gets the rights which are universally immoral for all individuals. This institution is called government, and it has all the immoral rights including murder (war and capital punishment), violence (law enforcement), theft (taxation), rape (involuntary, head to toe, stripped searches), involuntary servitude (taxation) and violation of property owner rights (permits, licensing, taxation, seizures).
Using these magically acquired rights, governments can suppress individuals and their rights, as much as they want. Common methods used to suppress individual choice and freedom are laws, regulations, wars, propaganda machinery (corporate media), traditions and taboos. Anyone who does not confirm the government preferred code of conduct, can immediately be labeled as weird, unusual, eccentric, suspicious, stupid or even sick. If none of these work then a legislation can outlaw certain type of behaviors.
Just a little while ago, right here in America, homosexual behavior was a sinful misconduct, hated by governments, media and society, as a whole. Gays and lesbians were forced to hide their identities and had to live as a hetero sexual. In confirmation with coercive forces they were even forced to get into unwanted relationships and marriages. Going even further back, in past, gays were subject to be punished by death, by law or extra judicial killing because having a gay was in family was damaging to the honor of family. Then tide turned. Governments did not even accept the gay relationships, they have now turned around and forcing everyone to serve and celebrate the gay community.
Question is what is natural or the intention of God (if you believe in God) in this case? The basic purpose of all human activity is to seek happiness, pleasure, satisfaction and benefit. At the same time we also try our best to avoid pain, discomfort and loss. Although, it is a universally accepted principle that none of these activities should be taking place at the cost of other individuals. This is the reason why the natural law is that you are free to pursue happiness anyway you want, as long as you are not infringing the same rights of others.
Of course, elite serving institutions like governments and religion have introduced many biases in this natural right. Good or bad, right or wrong, virtuous or sinful? Most basic human intention of seeking pleasure, happiness or benefit (profit) is replaced by other assumptions like pro creation and certain “family and social values”. The fact is that the ultimate goal of all positive human activity is to seek happiness and pleasure, and all human beings have a right to coercion free life. So, if you want to marry someone that is not anyone else’s business, and if you do not want to participate in any specific celebration, you must not be coerced to do so.
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