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Gold, Monatomic, healing, anti-gravity, Multi-dimensional, Spiritual

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If you still think that our obsession with Gold is just because it is a shiny yellow metal which can be used to make some fine jewelry, think again. Gold is literally indestructible. Items made of gold thousands of years back have not decayed, at all. Gold boxes still are your best bet for long term storage and preservation. Gold jewelry is still being passed on to generation after generation. Gold blocks are also the best method to preserve wealth. Gold has been considered precious, sacred and holy in almost every ancient culture even though those existed thousands of miles apart.

We observe that in past, Gold’s value skyrocketed and became unmatched once it was converted into Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic form. Monatomic Gold is really a white magic powder. It is being used for thousands of years by elite including Anunnaki, high priests, scientists, manufacturers, hi-tech industry, and alchemists. A lot is written about magical properties of monatomic gold. In many ancient texts, it is referred as the white powder of immortality. In many drawing on ancient tablets, key figures and deities are depicted as securing and using white powder. It is also used to repair or regrow the damaged tissue. The energy, vitality, and health improve with the use of monatomic Gold. Heightened awareness and clarity of thought are also reported by its users. It relieves stress and anxiety, increases the focus and attention span, enhances the memory, creativity and learning capacity, and increases the IQ.

Monatomic gold has some distinctive properties. It is basically made of single unbonded Gold atoms rearranged into nano particles. This makes gold powder very very soft and light weight. It is anti-inflammatory, has entheogenic properties and helps in spiritual ascension. It is known to help in attracting wealth. Monatomic Gold has anti-gravity properties, as well. Heated Monatomic Gold shows multi and interdimensional existence. It also has anti-aging effects which are mediated via Telomerase.

Monatomic Gold was also the Manna that Hebrews received and ate while exiled in the desert for forty years. In fact, Manna was not just monatomic Gold but, was monatomic elements (ORME). It is very clear now that Akhenaten (Moses) used white powder (Monatomic Gold) for the spiritual healing of Israelite after they broke their commitment to one God by making and worshiping a golden calf. This is the knowledge that was stored in Solomon’s temple, it is the philosopher’s stone and the Ark of Covenant got its historical and spiritual value because it had white powder in it.

If you heat up the white gold powder it disappears or you can say it becomes invisible. By cooling down the container in which it was supposed to be or shaking the space or air where it supposedly was, with your hand or something, it comes back and becomes visible again. It does not come back in a dispersed form. But it returns in exactly in the same shape it was before becoming invisible. This shows that the powder just went into an invisible dimension and then came back into our 3D perception. Many scholars and researchers believe that Monatomic gold was used in ancient times for inter-dimensional travel. It also helps to break down the limited 3D orientation of our minds and helps us to develop a multi-dimensional perception.

Ormus is the power house of divine natural energy. It has super enhancing effects on brain, mind, DNA, and spirit. It is the ultimate tool for ascension. The secret of long lifespan of Anunnaki is also said to lie in Ormus. Male energy also benefits with it. Combine with colloidal silver and monatomic elements like copper, lead and Argon it’s effectivity increases exponentially. Establishes better communication between the right and the left brain and breaks down the compartmentalization of brain, personality, information, knowledge, and memory. Thus, helps in connecting the dots, provides courage to experiment and learn with experiences. All these elements are critical in spiritual ascension, building mind power and attain physical health. The ultimate result is the breaking of chains and attainment freedom, as our mind, body, and spirit get power to go off the dependence on authority and acquire complete freedom. The reason the knowledge about these substances has been suppressed is that these are our doorway to Anarchy and getting rid of oppressive elite governments.

It breaks energy blocks, ends hesitation, provides power to initiate and take actions, and generates the energy of sustention of brave and bold actions. It is our companion in March to recognize and break the subjugation and become independent of all authority. It makes us really sovereign in all thought, speech and behavioral patterns. For thousands of years, we are being programmed to feel dirty, bad, sad, beaten down, powerless and dependent. It rebuilds our connection with extremely powerful and energetic vortex of DNA. It helps connect to wider human consciousness, increases coordination between different minds and taps us into the divine energetic field with full confidence. It is our divine connection to all life wherever and whatever is it in the whole multiverse. It tunes us with the universal divine frequencies. Ormus comes from Mother Earth and re-connects us with it. It helps us to better utilize the two most important elements in our world, Oxygen, and Water. It evokes positive sentiments like gratefulness and clears the negative sentiments to live envy. It makes us appreciate our life and what we have and helps get closer to perfection.
The bottom line is that there is so much hidden in suppressed knowledge. It is an unending pursuit. Pre-requisite to this is to break down the government indoctrination being fed to us to through public education, corporate media and ever going political rhetoric. Once, we get rid of this spell on us, our tunneled vision suddenly becomes unlimitedly wide, remote and deep. Trust me, we do not have to live like slaves. God has given us enormous powers and tools. We are intelligent, strong, divine, multidimensional, and armed with holy spirit and courage. We must continue our march toward eternal and well-deserved freedom. Even skies are not a limit on this.
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