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Elites Bury Head in Sand on Globalization Backlash | LifeZette One-finger Staplers, Hole Punches, Office Supplies

There are globalists and then there are globalists. New York Times columnist Thomas “The Earth is Flat” Friedman has never seen a multi-nation trade deal he didn’t like. He has spent years traveling the globe, vacuuming up big speaking fees and landing book deals promoting the virtues of the “interconnected world.” His recent column is actually meant to reach Trump voters. In other words, despite everything that has happened politically here and in Europe, the elites like Friedman have learned nothing. Here is what he says we should do: “The smartest thing we can do now is to keep our economy as open and flexible as possible — to get the change signals first and be able to quickly adapt; create the opportunity for every American to engage in lifelong learning, because whatever jobs emerge will require more knowledge; make sure that learning stresses as much of the humanities and human interactive skills as hard sciences; make sure we have

Source: Elites Bury Head in Sand on Globalization Backlash | LifeZette

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