News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Quantum

Consciousness Mind Brain Heart Pineal Quantum

Matter does not exist at the quantum level. All we have at that smallest possible scale are different energy frequencies, wavelengths, and densities. It is our act of observation which collapses the wave function and gives birth to the particle and hence the matter, on larger scales. So, in that sense, we are the gods, just another manifestation of the greatest creator of all. That is why every one of us is respectable to the nearly maximum extent regardless of religion, culture, nation, race, language, color or anything else. God is in every one of us and we all have the divine consciousness of creation.

Contrary to what material science makes us believe, our mind is not same as our brain. Mind exists independent of our physical existence, just like consciousness. The brain makes us intelligent and emotional. Mind makes us ethical, bounds us to the morals, and provides the ideas of good and bad, and right and wrong. The brain is material and mind is human. The brain creates the illusion or hallucination of our own physical existence and so-called reality around us while the mind remains above and beyond this virtual reality.

We literally do not have the capability to objectively perceive reality, if even such thing exists. What we perceive as reality is the data and electrical signals projected by our very limited five senses. Our senses capture a very small part of existing electromagnetic spectrum. We already have identified a lot that cannot be seen by our eyes, cannot be heard by our ears, cannot be smelled by our nose, cannot be tasted by our tongue and cannot be sensed by our skin. Anything above ultraviolet and below infrared cannot be seen by our eyes. X-rays are a very example. We cannot hear outside a tiny spectrum of hearing. Ultrasound is a very good example. Dogs, for example, can smell a lot that our noses cannot capture. Similarly, we a identify many substances a tasteless including one of the most abundant and very basic component of life, water. We can touch and feel wood, for example, but get no clue about atoms and molecules making that wood.

Now, there is a large volume of research which confirms that heart is not just a pumping station. The brain has little or no voluntary control over the heart. The heart is modulated by autonomic nervous system. The heart has its own modulatory system nervous system, and its performance and activity have incredible effects on the performance of the brain. Regular, rhythmic contractions of the heart, in sync with slow, deep and regular breathing pattern, keep our brain calm and provide the capability to think in a deep, clear and sensible manner. The irregular, arhythmic and rapid beating of the heart, along with rapid, shallow and irregular breathing throw us into a panic mode and our capabilities of thinking and comprehension are adversely affected. Very much like consciousness which provides the awareness of self, the heart also has a unified universal field, and human hearts coordinate with and affect each other.

The seat of the soul of is pineal gland. It is the doorway to a broader, higher, more comprehensive and more symbolic consciousness. It provides access to the higher dimensions. The pineal gland has the capability to see what our two eyes cannot see. The pineal gland is our connection to God and more advanced forms of life in the multiverse. Pineal gland de-activation is the mother of all conspiracies that are ever done to keep us enslaved.

Logically speaking, all the so-called modern material science and atheism suddenly get evaporated as soon as we access the realms of smallest possible scale, commonly known as quantum. All the physical laws perceived by our 3D brain with its very limited capabilities to acquire data, stop working when we analyze the most basic building blocks of everything around us, biological or non-biological. The most basic building blocks, Quanta have a duality of existence. These are waves, as well as, particles at the same time. Every single one of those exists at an infinite number of locations at the same time. These communicate with each other instantaneously regardless of distance and the speed of their mutual communication is not limited by the speed of light or anything else. They spontaneously go in and out of existence or jump in and out of the other dimensions that are not perceivable to us with any available method, yet.

As mentioned by Einstein, this realm is scientifically proven to be spooky and defies all the laws of material physics. Subsequent experiments have shown that quanta can self-organize themselves into basic elements and compounds to form DNA and life spontaneously under appropriate conditions. These scientific experiments which are done under the very controlled condition and that are highly duplicable defy the complete dependence of the origination and seeding of life, on evolution.
It is now scientifically proven that existence is not what was proposed by Newtonian Physics. It is definitely not deterministic and offers infinite possibilities to anyone at any given point in time. The existence is absolutely free, with an abundance of choices available to it. Our perception of choices was limited by shutting down a very large proportion of our neurons and DNA. We are imprisoned in our own limited perception of a 3D reality.
But, our potential is unlimited. We have the methods available to us which can truly activate the inactive parts of the brain including pineal gland. We can also activate the so-called junk DNA and reach our godly potentials. Common methods devised and proven to be highly effective, in this regard, are knowledge, focus, attention, character, meditation, and Entheogens, especially Ayahuasca. In order to re-activate pineal gland, we must get rid of fear, fluoride, GMOs, distractions, propaganda, and dependence and make ourselves truly free.
Let us go back to our true origins. Re-activate our real potentials. Connect back to old and time-tested spiritual traditions. Re-build our relationship with nature, animals, and plants. Get into the universal and unified field, and source. Start loving ourselves and our lives. Let us start over and fall in explicit, true love one more time.
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