Metropolitan City of Rome Capital – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article analyzes Capital Punishment, in the light of eighth and fourteenth amendments of Constitution of United States of America. Raises the question, how can death penalty be not cruel and unusual punishment, specifically prohibited by eighth amendment? Citations from constitution and dictionaries are provided, extensively. Makes it very easy to understand and appreciate the intent and meanings.
This article analyzes the Federal Reserve System, deficit financing, government backed bonds and securities, paper money, budget deficits and sovereign debt, in the light of experience of Great Recession of 2008-2009. Explores the history of the formation of Fed. Uncovers the partnership between big banks and government, in the form of Federal Reserve System. Explains, how Fed is responsible for repeated bubbles, deficits, and credit and debt crises in our economy.
This article analyzes the “too big to fail” notion and politics of, and media compaineering of bailouts, in the light of the experience of early 1990s recession. Shows that the number one cause of recklessness in the behavior of big banks and corporations, and government, are the guaranteed bailouts from tax payers. Strongly suggests that competition restricting government regulations and failed promises to to end ‘too big to fail’ require us to start voting for third party candidates.
This article analyzes the standards of living, savings and investments since the beginning of twentieth century, in the light of experience of early nineties recession. Seriously criticizes the measures of standards of living. Sheds light on the hoax of government taking care of retired people. Explores the devastating effects of high taxation on business investments and financing. Explains the adverse effects of big government on standards of living, savings and investments.
This article analyzes the notion of “too big to fail”, tax payer sponsored bailouts, corporate welfare, paper money, and fractional lending, in the light of early 1980s recession. Sheds light on, so called ‘stagflation’. Uncovers the partnership between big banks, corporations, government, major political parties and corporate media. Effectively shows, how fiat money coupled with fractional lending causes stagflation, often resulting into bailouts.
This article analyzes the Keynesian theories regarding fiscal and monetary policies, inflation and financial crisis, in the light of the experience of 1973-75 recession. Effectively shows that increased money supply or inflation through government manipulation is not the solution for financial crises. As a matter of fact, government interventions just mess up the economy, even more. History has shown us that time and again,
This article analyzes the adverse economic effects of our governments continuous attempts to police the world and resultant wars, in the light of 1969-70 recession. Effectively shows, how recklessly lose supply of money through ridiculous fiscal and monetary policies cause inflation, currency devaluation, unemployment, depressed wages and benefits. lowered standards of living and recessions.
This article analyzes the effects of government encroachments on our rights, our money, our property and our country, in the light of the experience of 1960-61 recession. Provides a historical perspective and proves that this government and corporate take over is not stopping at any point until a complete corporate rule is established, unless we unite and stand up to it, hand to hand, together.
This article analyzes the big government burden on economy and country’s finances, in the light of the experience of 1958 recession. Spells out the enormously adverse effects of direct and indirect taxes and sovereign debt on take home money. Highlights the reason why people are taking home less and less money after ever increasing payroll deductions. Makes it very clear that the continuous decrease in take home money is not coming out of thin air. It is a direct result of bigger government and its enormously ballooning debt.
This article analyzes the inflationary effects of monetary and fiscal interventions, and their strangulation on economy, in the light of experience with 1953 recession. Compares the effectiveness of hidden hand with government’s hands. Provides the explanations, reasons and evidence on, why government interventions just worsen an already bad recession. Highlights the alternatives or I should say the original alternatives to government interventions.
This article analyzes the minimum wage and quantitative Easing issues in the light of the historical experience of 1949 recession. Effectively shows, how 1949 recession was exactly opposite of what liberals expect from a rise in minimum wage. In 1949 GDP, department store sales, wholesale price and cost of living indexes fell, while unemployment went up, as a result of rise in minimum wage and tightened monetary policy.
This article analyzes the effects of sovereign debt on money valuation, purchasing power, wages and incomes, standards of living, business, prices and cost. Explains the concepts of direct and indirect taxation. Highlights the fact that governments, after world wide dominance of fiat currencies, now, prefer indirect taxes over direct taxation. Shows the political and popular media correctness of indirect taxation.
This article analyzes the dynamics of sovereign debt and its consequences. Highlights its effects on an average Joe. Explores its relationship with money valuation, cost of living and doing business, demand, employment and wages. Criticizes Keynesian view of servicing the debt and indirect taxation through money devaluation. Uncovers the serious long and short term collateral damage done by Keynesian economics and policies.
This article analyzes the relationship and balance of power between business owners and labor, in the light of events that happened in 1926, including general strike in Britain and resultant 1926 recession. Emphasizes the point of view that the individuals including the labor force does not has its long term interests protected in a government controlled society. Every one of us must strive for a society in which the every group of population has rights to protect and fight for its interests.
This article analyzes the relationship between inflation and recession in the light of 1923 recession. Highlights the fact that inflation caused by fiat money is always a precursor for recessions. The reason why current recovery is painfully prolonged is because high volumes of printed money are keeping prices raised and causing inflation, maintaining high cost of living and doing business. This is an enormous distortion in market adjustments.
This article analyzes the mass media propaganda schemes and political bickering, in the light of 1918 recession. Compares the validity of official theories and alternate, so called, conspiracy theories. Highlights the power of information and knowledge. Provides the historical evidence regarding lies and deception in official versions, suppression of alternative points of view, subsequent proofs and evidence regarding the validation of alternate view and invalidity of official versions.
This article analyzes Great Depression in a broader historical perspective. Sheds light on the causes and development of disaster. Connects the dots between major studies, articles, accounts and books on Great depression. Separates the reality from hype and propaganda. Points out to the parallels in 2008 and other major economic and financial disasters. Makes it clear, what may be prolonging recovery from 2008 crisis.
This article is first in a series, analyzing the current state of affairs in United States under a very broad spectrum of global background, history, facts exploration, research, politics and Economics. Finds out, if the global and historical class warfare still going on in U.S.? Do we still have a class which is trying to enslave the masses? Explores the attacks on constitution of United States of America. Highlights the facts, why elite class envies our constitution, so much?
This article analyzes the big money game by specifically focusing on 1914 panic (financial crisis). Explains the role of various parties involved and the vicious nature of that evil circle. Exposes the Mary-Go-Round between big corporations, their lobbies, campaign financing, government corruption, wars and military industrial complex. Exposes the real cost of this dirty game and the real victims (tax payers).