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Carson, Paul, Islam, Israel, Libertarian, Conservative
The race for 2016 presidential elections is heating up. The political circus is on and corporate media is playing its usual movie theater. For the people who really know politics, it is very clear, again that Libertarian Party is the only political party in United States which is offering the real solutions to burning issues of our times like unending wars, rising debt and deficits, ever growing government, loss of liberties and freedoms, constitutional violations, and abuse of authority and corruption in executive and other branches of government. For the majority of population which does not know politics better than a few big news channels on TV, it is more of the same, one more time, with slightly different labels and faces.
On Democratic front, Hillary Clinton still seems to be very much set for the nomination from her party. The record of Clintons in general and Hillary in particular has been pathetic, to the least. They have been authentically documented to be involved in things like sex at workplace, perjury, lying, race-baiting, war mongering, and secrecy and corruption. Still she is the media queen and crony corporations are dying to fund her campaign. She is very much declared as the next president by liberal media, already. Major polls, mostly done by corporate media, are continuously showing her as the front runner.
On Republican front, too, it is the same drama all over again. Many clowns, who are basically fighting to show, who is man enough to fight as many wars as possible, are planning to challenge the media queen. The most infuriating thing about Republican candidates is that they criticize Obama, Hillary and Democrats as big government liberals while having absolutely no issue with totally not affordable and unsustainable, ever growing military industrial complex, and unconstitutional and expensive infringements on individual rights like war on drugs, patriot act, NSA, NDAA, Guantanamo and extra-judicial killing of Americans.
The potential Republican candidates do include real conservatives like Ben Carson. Carson’s life is full of high profile professional achievements. As a very successful and pioneer surgeon, academician, scholar, author and research scholar he has made lots of money. He is also very well known for his philanthropic work. On the other hand, he sounds confused and contradictory. In his short span on political scene, he has already apologized several times for crossing the line. He presents himself as pro-freedom and constitutionalist. But, at the same time he opposes and downplays some constitutional freedoms.
Other contender is Rand Paul, who calls himself a constitutional conservative. Rand Paul’s candidacy is mostly based on cashing on his father’s popular Libertarian base, widening the support by adopting some common conservative and Tea Party slogans, and courting with Republican Party establishment by being relatively confirmatory. The result is that he does not seem to be able to broaden support base created by his father. On the other hand many of his dad’s supporters are being seriously disappointed on his political compromises and leaving the camp. Right now, it looks like that instead of broadening his dad’s support base he is going to end up getting less votes than his father.
Except for being pro-life and anti-unions, his dad did not share anything significant with conservative social agenda. Rand Paul on the other hand, seems to be seriously confused between authentic Libertarian values and his compromises with conservative base of Republican Party. There are extreme contradictions in his current agenda which make it very unlikely for him to achieve anything, even if he gets into White House. Like Obama, he appears to be promising everything that polls are approving for. As a president, his achievement level will not be very different from Obama, as well.
He talks a lot about small government, cut spending and reducing taxes. At the same time he is in the fever of keeping most of the permanent U.S. military bases in world, building strategic missile defense in Eastern Europe, taking on Russia on issues like Ukraine, air strikes on Syria, continuing aid to Israel, outright ban on abortion (with possibly very few exceptions to save mother’s life based on Physician’s discretion) and continued prohibition on drugs. This does not sound like an agenda for small government, cut spending, supremacy of constitution, anti-war advocacy and individual freedom.
There are some ethical issues attached to his campaign, as well. He has a proven involvement in several incidents of plagiarism. He characterized the calls on his plagiarism as “unfair standard” which is very disturbing for me because highlighting plagiarism is not an unfair standard, at all. As a matter of fact it is a copyrights violation which off-shoots from property rights, one of the three basic natural rights dear to every Libertarian. In spite, of his repeated opposition to politicians accepting lobbyist money for their campaigns, he has accepted millions from lobbies for his previous campaigns. Although, he is counting a lot on his father support, he is nowhere close to him.
He wants to defeat the Washington machine and take country back. But, he is a very good politicians from all existing Washington standards. His stand on certain Libertarian issues is commendable. Nevertheless, his “conservative constitutionalism” goes only as far as the make and break of Washington allows him. He constantly keeps his finger up in the air, very much like Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. It is close to impossible for me to predict any major change in the way business is done in Washington, even if he is able to win the White House.
Since Abraham Lincoln, we have been alternating between the two same olds, time and again. Many Republicans and Democrats have come who seemed to be promising revolutionary changes in the way our federal government works. But, hopes and dreams of truly restoring the constitutional republic of America are never realized. People have put too much faith in charismatic personalities like Reagan, Clinton and Obama. But, for the most part, they turned out to be the members of same pack. As a matter of fact, there is no real solution to current major issues, except to break the duopoly of Republican and Democratic Party on our political system by voting for Libertarian Party.
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