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Body, Illusion, Existence, Spirit, I Am

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In the beginning, it was God and only God. Then He created the universe. Since there was literally nothing except God, all creation is a part of Him. God is light. So, he created electro-magnetic spectrum out of His own existence. This EMG has a whole range of vibrations. Later on, He created spirits as part of Divine consciousness. This Divine consciousness was awarded by the power of observation. This power of observation creates matter out of certain frequencies. Consciousness also creates and chooses a material body for itself to experience the material world.

So, every spirit in a material body has a power of creation. The only difference between our and Divine creation is that divine creation is real and immortal while our creations are illusory and mortal. Our creations go through a decaying process and exist only when we are observing. But, our illusory creations create an environment around us which looks and feels, real and permanent. Permanency of matter is just an illusion. These are merely certain frequencies localized by our act of observation to give us the illusion of their material existence. Our senses get electromagnetic input from the sea of energy surrounding us and construct the illusion of three-dimensional material world around us.

Our sense of material existence also depends upon the illusion of the linearity of time. In real-world time does not exist. Only infinity exists. Cosmological energies rotate in circular time, however. There is no linear time. It only exists in our mental construct. The only real existence of self is the spirit which is divine light and is immortal. The ultimate goal of every spirit is to unite back to its origin who is God Himself. The whole human life is the struggle of spirit to unite back with its origin. Material indulgences make this struggle harder and make it difficult to achieve the ultimate goal of reunion with God.

Our bodies are our temples. Our bodily performance determines whether our spirits remain stuck in a carnation-reincarnation cycle or will be united back to their origin. Until then all of us are incomplete, lost and unsatisfied. That is why whole life is a circular journey to the origin and throughout our lifespan in this material world, we search completeness, destination, and satisfaction. What really brings us closer to completeness and gives us the feeling of completeness is a union between male and female out of intense love for each other.

So, I am the God. God is my origin, God is my destination, God is my satisfaction and God is my complexion. I am the creator of my world and I do it with my Divine consciousness. I am you and you are me. We all have one source and one destination. All of us are divine and deserve respect as such. We are responsible for each other as well. Together we create a better or worse world for each other. Our thoughts, our incentives, and intentions, our words and our actions, all have consequences for us and everyone else?

I have power. Unlimited power. I am sovereign. I am independent. I am resourceful. Control agenda cannot convince me that I am powerless. That I am dependent. That I am a subject and I have no means to survive and thrive all by myself. I am divine consciousness and I have no need for other people paving the path for me: Guiding me to my destination: Helping me survive and thrive: Be happy. I can achieve all this just by myself. I can do it alone with the help of my divine consciousness. In the process, I will make the world a better place for myself and everyone else.

Thanks to the improved technologies, computers, Internet, recent discoveries in Quantum Mechanics, archeological finding, the revelation of what has been occult and reserved to elite bloodlines for thousands of years, we are getting really enlightened now. Contrary to what governments and organized religion have been telling us, we have no dependence on religion and governments, whatsoever. It is getting harder and harder for the elite bloodlines to keep the truth a secret. People who have played gods and divine right for a very long time are now getting exposed. We are learning about this thousand of year old fraud. We have been manipulated for ages. Like magicians on stage, they have blindsided us by labeling technology as a miracle. They cannot fool us now by flying with machines. They cannot fool us by awarding us tools, by giving us “law”, by telling us fiction about their authority, by teaching us obedience, and by impersonating as gods. We are learning all about it. We now know that there is only one authority, the greatest creator of all and he has enshrined that authority in all of us. We are sovereign like our creator, and each and every one of us is born free. Gods and their divine right kings and priests have absolutely no right to enslave us. There is no such thing a right to rule other human beings, to boss them around and to live on their tax money. It is just a farce. Only I rule myself and only you rule yourself. Since all of us have the same origin and same destination, we respect each other and each other’s right and do not intentionally violate each other’s sovereignty and rights. We also do not impose our will on others. We take full responsibility for ourselves.
The best way to protect evil is by hiding it behind propaganda and social mocking. They label every attempt to reveal evil as a conspiracy theory which has its bases in the false pretense that truth comes from authority. Not true, at all. Throughout the course of human history, no one has lied, deceived, harmed and murdered more than so-called authority and people in control, namely, governments and organized religions. Truth emanates from its original source which is the consciousness. Contrary to what we have been indoctrinated into by public education, the truth most definitively does not come from authority.
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