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Beyond Democracy: Why democracy does not lead to solidarity, prosperity and liberty but to social conflict, runaway spending and a tyrannical government: Frank Karsten, Karel Beckman: 9781467987691: Books

Beyond Democracy: Why democracy does not lead to solidarity, prosperity and liberty but to social conflict, runaway spending and a tyrannical government [Frank Karsten, Karel Beckman] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Just finished reading the thing. Fantastic. Great work. Congratulations. Hans-Hermann Hoppe, author of ‘Democracy: The God That Failed’ This book has massive explanatory power. It can liberate your mind. Jeffrey Tucker

Source: Beyond Democracy: Why democracy does not lead to solidarity, prosperity and liberty but to social conflict, runaway spending and a tyrannical government: Frank Karsten, Karel Beckman: 9781467987691: Books

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