This increasing mistrust is bound to breed contempt and suspicion within individual voters, but how this is displayed is down largely to a persons characteristics and behavioural trends. The complexity and diversity of personality types create a swath of variable reactions to and interpretations of different feelings, which in due course leads to entirely divided factions of society. For the majority, these feelings of distaste and uncertainty will lead to nothing more than periodic frustration, but there exist a minority who will react less favorably to such thoughts. Subsequently, an apathetic political view or increasing rage and violent trends of conduct are inevitable consequences of incurred disappointment.
Dealing with Extremes of Political Unrest
There is little that a government can do tackle an individual reaction to emotion, however there are encouraging portents that the political mood may soon be lifted. As unemployment is developing a healthy trend in continual and consistent reduction, so too the economy grows with the creation of requisite jobs. This in itself alleviates a large source of pressure and mistrust within the members of a society, who are always responsive to the peaks and troughs of recession and recovery, and therefore more likely to favor a political regime and the process of election during periods of rude financial health.While a generally healthy and burgeoning economy can help assuage political apathy, there will always remain a small minority who are prone to violent protests and political anarchy. This type of behaviour is prevalent in all governing formats, and is more an issue of human nature that political policies and discontent. Obviously, while economic recessions and contentious legislation will always evoke high emotion and emotive response in certain individuals, it is important to remember that these types of reactions are both unwarranted and entirely out of place in democracy and advanced societies.
In addition to creating a thriving and vibrant economical environment, governments have a duty to remain honorable and transparent with all their conduct. Political policy, while never being able to please everyone, is required to be engineered for the good of society and also needs to be developed and implemented with as much visibility and public interaction as possible. Given the educated and well informed nature of contemporary society and its members, only a government which creates concise, transparent and socially viable policies can overcome the machinations of general apathy and violent intent.
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