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Anthropogenic Climate Change Hoax: New Eugenics

J.McLaughlin Homepage
The climate has been changing in this universe for over thirteen billion years. There have been extreme climatic changes in the history of Earth, ranging from ice ages to extremely warm interglacial periods. One clear thing about these natural cycles is that life prospers immensely in warmer periods and suffers in colder periods. Even humans get healthier, increase populations, and live longer in warmer periods, and the planet gets covered with green trees. There is an abundance of cheap food available everywhere, all the time. Above all, the warmer it gets, the better it is for life. Of course, this all gets reversed when the clock ticks back to the cold. Lifespans get shorter; populations decline, food gets scarce and expensive, health declines, and starvation, famines, and pandemics become common.
The fact that we have abundant cheap food available to feed nutritious food to eight billion people is mainly due to the warming caused by getting out of a mini-ice age. CO2 levels have been rising since the end of ice age. Increasing temperatures have always preceded rising CO2 levels, with zero exceptions in Earth’s history. It is the opposite of what climate nuts tell us and is complete nonsense, just like the notion that warming is somehow bad for us. There have been many cycles in which the land mass available today was covered either by ice or water depending upon the phase, which could be warm or cold. Yet, life prospered and grew incredibly, including human life, on this planet, regardless of how warm the Earth was.
CO2 traps the warmth in the atmosphere of Earth, an essential phenomenon for life to survive and prosper on this planet. CO2 is used in greenhouses to make plants grow faster and healthier. Yet, only about 1% of the greenhouse effect on this planet comes from CO2. Of this 1% net greenhouse effect, the human contribution is still about 1%. So, humans contribute about 0.01% to the net greenhouse effect. We are nowhere close to the historically low CO2 levels to begin with. We are in the midst of a 140 million years-long CO2 decreasing trend.

Source:  CO2coalition.org.
Indeed, this long trend has been alarming for the planet and its life. However, life has been growing and prospering here. During this period, dinosaurs went extinct, and the impact of the asteroid killed most of the life on the planet. After that, mammals started growing and spreading rapidly, leading to the evolution of humans. Humans have been here for about 250 thousand years. Even in this relatively brief period, the Earth has gone through several glacial and interglacial periods. Yet, humans are still here far better and far more than before; polar bears are still here. The last warm period was considerably warmer than this period, with anthropogenic carbon emissions. Yet humans prospered and grew.

Ice core samples show another gruesome piece of evidence:

Source: CO2 coalition.org

Yes, the warming effect of CO2 decreases logarithmically as its concentration increases. So, even that tiny percent decreases with increasing concentration. The small greenhouse effect of CO2 decreases even more with increasing concentration. So, even the supposed significant greenhouse effect of increasing CO2 concentration is dying all by itself. This explains why Earth did not get boiled when CO2 concentrations were 20 times today’s. This also explains why the temperatures have plateaued in the last few decades. When I say temperatures have plateaued, I mean the planet’s average temperature as recorded by satellite data. Terrestrial data does not show this consistently because it is not consistent for apparent reasons.

Another significant fact often ignored by climate doomers is that plants, forests, and even sea life love CO2. CO2 increases photosynthesis in plants, which causes them to grow stronger, faster, and more prominent. We also get higher yields on crops, making food abundant and cheaper. CO2 also improves the soil quality, helps beneficial Fungi, and repels harmful bacteria. This also makes forests grow faster and broader; previously arid zones and deserts are increasingly covered by forests. More forests also mean more fertile topsoil. Forestation also means less water loss, less irrigation, and more moisture in the soil. So, we need more CO2, and it is a blessing. Source: CO2coalition.org

Cooling, on the other hand, is devastating.

Source: CO2coalition.org

The CO2 levels were dangerously low in the last four glacial advances. Species died out, forests shrank, life suffered, and populations decreased. Food and medicinal sources have shrunk to levels that cannot sustain today’s population. “Persistent, colder climates in the last Ice Age contributed to limiting the distribution of certain commercially and medicinally-important forest species such as cobra saffron (nagkesar) to smaller forest patches that are present day’ biodiversity hotspots’, scientists said in a recent paper.” India.mongabay.com.
Even more shocking is the fact that warming trends do not coincide with the rising of CO2 levels at all:

Source: CO2coalition.org

Temperatures started rising around 1850, at the end of the last mini-ice age, while CO2 levels began shooting up in the mid-twentieth century during the industrial boom following World War II. Temperatures also stopped rising amid ever-increasing CO2 levels during the last few decades. So, even if there is a correlation between warming and CO2 levels, it is the reverse of what we are being told. Temperatures always rise before CO2 levels. This is a consistent finding in ice cap records. Every single time temperatures go up, a rise in CO2 levels follows. This trend continues in cooling periods. CO2 levels fall as the atmosphere cools down.  We are being fooled by reversing this correlation.

Still not shocked enough? Here is more. Our current Geologic period (Quarternary) has the lowest CO2 levels in the last 600 million years:

Source: CO2coalition.org

In the Cambrian period, Earth’s atmosphere contained 6,000 parts per million of CO2, compared to 419 ppm today. Dinosaurs lived in about 2000 ppm. The level of fiction in this whole climate hoax is incredible. It beats even the most dramatic entertainment productions. This horror movie deserves an Oscar. Its central characters want us to starve to death with their so-called green proposals for this absolute deception.

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