You may not last five minutes.
O-Ren Ishii is confident and she has every reason to be. Her skills with a katana are top notch and she holds unquestioned sovereignty over the Yakuza. The way she handled her disagreement with Boss Tanaka made sure of that. She also has the Crazy 88 under her command. There???s nothing that shakes her resolve and perhaps with this Kill Bill inspired O-Ren Ishii costume, you too can feel that kind of resolve.
Based on the sword-wielding assassin from the movie, this O-Ren Ishii costume comes with a white kimono, a black collar, and a sash. Each piece is designed to recreate the look seen in Kill Bill: Vol. 1. Once you have the entire ensemble on, even The Bride may not last five minutes in a duel with you!
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