Toddler Santa Costume


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SKU: 8634820365443945403 Category:


Your kiddo is pretty passionate about Christmas. It starts early. When you and your child are walking through the grocery store and hear that first Christmas carol, you’re sure to spot a??wide-eyed??look of delighted recognition. Then there’s the aisle of brightly colored candies! It’s not that your child wants to eat all of the candy. It’s the bright swirls of red and green that really make your kiddo excited. So, after one trip to the grocery store, your child is in the holly jolly holiday spirit.????
Now, there’s plenty of prep to do. There??are??gingerbread men to bake, a tree to decorate, and snowmen to roll. By the time actual Christmas Eve??rolls??around, your child is ready to take on a bigger role. That’s right, the only role there is that matters, Santa Claus. Your Kris Kringle kiddo might not be ready to fly solo around the world but spreading Christmas cheer comes pretty naturally. All your child needs to make their new role complete is the right ensemble!??
When your child roles into the living room in the classic red and white ensemble, all the grown-up little boys and girls will want nothing more than to become best friends??with this??youthful take on??St. Nick. Your child will look Christmas card ready in the bright suit with??faux??fur trim around the jacket hems, the matching pants, a belt, gloves,??black and fur boot toppers, and of course, the floppy hat we all know and love. Now, your child can be the ultimate symbol of holiday cheer, a holly jolly Christmas is just around the corner!????

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