Pok??mon work pretty hard. They spend a lot of time training to be the very best (like no one ever was). They also go on some grand adventures with their trainers and engage in some pretty intense battles against the strongest gym leaders to earn badges. That’s why it’s important for those critters to take a nice break now and again! These Irregular Choice shoes showcase some of the Generation I Pok??mon enjoying a little vacation in beautiful weather!
Fun Details
These Irregular Choice Walk It Out Sneakers feature a vivid scene on a field, complete with blue skies. It also has some of Ash’s favorite Pok??mon on the sides, including Pikachu, Squirtle, Butterfree, Bulbasaur, and Charmander. The soles have a black and white jagged pattern on them, and the metallic eyelets are a shimmering gold color. Finally, the tongue is shaped like a Pok?? Ball to round out the look. You can wear them to add a dash of deliciously loud style to your outfit or put them on display in your collection!
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