The Most Powerful Magic of All??
Why is Princess Celestina, your magical mentor, sending you to Ponyville to study friendship,??of all things? Surely there are more important subjects you could be studying – like spellcasting, for instance! It turns out that your beloved ruler was right, however: Friendship has a special power that is greater than any other kind of magic in the realm.??
Product Details
If your favorite Pony is purple and studious, you’re going to love this exclusive, officially licensed Twilight Sparkle Face Headband for Kids! The sturdy plastic headband is covered in purple polyester velour and topped with an attached velour panel. The panel is decorated with a soft-sculpted horn and muzzle, a colorful fabric mane, and soft-sculpted ears as well as embroidered eyes.??
Officially Fun
From slumber parties to secret-keeping, Twilight Sparkle has a lot to learn about friendship! Fortunately, she’s a quick study, especially when she learns that you don’t always have to follow all the rules to be a great friend.??
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